About Have Ing C-sections

Updated on February 06, 2008
C.D. asks from Clifton, NJ
25 answers

I'm having a baby 12 yrs later and this one is alot different my first 2 were born natural, this baby i will be having a c-section and I'm so afraid I had surgery before but not while i was awake I'm concerned about the fact that they will give me the epidoral and numb my whole body. I'm also afraid of how I'm going to feel after everything is done and over...

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answers from New York on

Hi C.,

I had a C-Section with my first child. She was late....so I was induced and after many hours of not dialating beyond 4 centimeters the doctor decided a C-Section was necessary. I was nervous too....but I think I was more nervous at actually having natural child birth. For the surgery.....they use the epidural...and they put up a big sheet in front of you....so you can't see anything. You might feel some pulling here and there....but that's about it...the actual surgery wasn't bad at all. To tell you the truth....I don't remember most of it even though I was awake. The healing did take some time....and yes, it was painful. Especially getting in and out of bed the first couple of weeks...but just like any surgery...you'll start to feel better as the days pass. The healing process takes longer than having natural child birth....but it will pass. We're actually trying for our second child....and my doctor already told me that because of the reason why I had my first C-Section.....a second child would be born by C-Section too.....and I'm not hesitating at all about the surgery since I now know what to expect.

Hope this helps.

T. M.

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answers from New York on

With a scheduled section you may not have an epidural because they don't need to put in a constant line of medication which is what an epidural is. You may just get a spinal, which is along the same lines as an epidural but it's just a shot in your spine. I've had both. The itchiness from the epidural drove me crazy. I even itched between my toes. I didn't have that with the spinal. Your only numb from about your diaphram down. You will feel nothing. They also put up a sheet in front of you at about your boobs so you'll see nothing. They do usually hold up the baby over the top of the sheet so you can see them. Your husband more then likely will not be allowed to video tape or take photos during the birth as most hospitals don't allow it, cuz if something goes wrong you have it on tape. Ask ahead of time. I hope your hubby will be home with you for the first 2 weeks after the birth. Because you are not allowed to do anything, literally, but hold the baby. You can't drive or lift anything that weighs more then the baby. For 2 weeks. Remember this is MAJOR abdominal surgery. You will have to do things, like sitting up or getting out of bed without using your abdominal muscles. It's very hard. Try to avoid stairs. If you have them in your house only go up and down as little as possible. Make a diaper changing station in the living room or in a room of the house on the floor you'll be on the most. The one thing I enjoyed about the scheduled section was that I didn't have to go all the way through labor and then recover from surgery. I went 21 hrs through labor with my son and then had the section. With my daughter I was only in labor for about 5 hours. My recover was much better and I was less tired. They will try to get you up within 24 hrs of the delivery to shower. I always wanted my hubby there to help me. I couldn't bend to reach my feet, or anything below my belly button for that matter, and without a doubt needed the help. They give you percaset for pain meds. Don't wait until your in extreme pain to get more. Try to get it every 4 hours or so. You won't be allowed to eat anything other then clear liquids until you fart or poop. They have to make sure they didn't knick the bowel, so for a few days you'll get chicken broth and juice. Try to walk, it may help things along. It's really not as bad as it sounds. You'll go in and in about 2 hours you'll have a perfect new baby girl. The rest won't matter.



answers from New York on

I had my 1st naturally but I had and emergency c-section for my 2nd and scheduled c-section for my 3rd. The emergency section was fine because it happened so fast that I didn't have time to think about it but I was a wreck for the scheduled one. i was nervous and didn't want to be numb or lay flat or anything. I would have anxiety over this and not sleep at night! I spoke with my doctor in advance and told her the things I wanted to make me comfortable. She made note of it and also told me to speak to the anestegiologist(sp??)about it. You can't take any kind of medication but practicing some kind of meditation works to relax you. My anestegiologist was so great and talked me through the whole thing. In fact, I had a recent out-patient procedure at the same hospital and he was the anestegiologist again and I was so thrilled. Just be sure to communicate your fears and concerns and I assure you, all will be fine.
Email me if you have more questions on the feeling afterwards/recovery or whatever. I am an old pro! My email is ____@____.com



answers from New York on

I have had to have 3 c-sections, as my first was breech and too big to ever turn. so i had no options. not only were the births a synch, but we left the hospital early with the first two (the third i just stayed in for the rest....).
i healed perfectly,no complications and the babies are all perfect. the epidoral only lasts a couple of hours and then all is well - with the exception of typical soreness from the surgery. i was once told that "natural childbirth" these days, is going to the hosptial with no make up!!!

relax, all will be just fine! and you'll look great after the delivery too!



answers from New York on

Ill give you the honest truth, its tough recovery. I had an unplanned csection after 15 hours of labor. You dont see anything during the surgery because they have the curtain in front of you but you do feel them moving around in your stomach. Its just a little uncomfortable and after a day or two you can get up and walk around but you honestly dont feel yourself for quite some time afterwards. You will need some help at home after you bring home your daughter. Im 37 and was in great shape and it still took me weeks to feel somewhat "normal" if there is such a thing anymore! Dont be scared, percoset and 600 mg of ibuprofen will help after the surgery! good luck!



answers from New York on

I'm not going to tell you it's easy, My c-section was painful. But it took me a little over a week to feel better. It also depends on the person. You'll be fine just take it easy and enjoy your little bundle of joy!



answers from New York on

My first was a c-section and my next three were "natural". You may need to be a bite more aware of your limitations after the surgery but you will be fine. The surgery itself went well for me. You do not feel pain only some tugging and maybe a little pressure. If you do have pain be sure to tell the doctor so he can have your epidoral adjusted.



answers from New York on

I too had a c-section. My son is 10 months old and after a long labor and not progessing passed 6 cm's - I had the c-section. Take away the long labor and all that came with that aspect, I think the c-section wasn't so bad and will be having another one with the next child (I think) The one warning I will give ( this happened to my sister too, who had 4 c's) that you may shake and its kind of uncontrollable - as if you were freezing. They said it was normal with whatever drugs they gave me. Aside from that, you don't feel a thing except some pressure. A sheet is up so you don't see anything. My anestesiaologist (spelling!?) was giving a play by play description to me and I told him to SHUT UP - I didn't need to know, but Its FAST though! The recovery was a bit painful the first few days but with each day it got easier...moving around was key for me. It wasn't anything that couldn't be handled. I figure if you made it through natural childbirth in the past then you will EASILY handle this. Just take the time to recover. Being prepared to have the c without all the labor before hand and I'm sure you will handle it just fine.



answers from New York on

i was 41 for my first and had to have a c-section, with no problems, you do not feel anything, you can feelthe needle but it was like a pinch. also your dr. can educate you. do not be afraid just thing on your baby.


answers from Jamestown on

why do you say this baby will be born c section?

I have had 2 boys born by c section. 1st one I was totally out. 2nd one I was only numb from around my chest down. I was awake for my 2nd c section. It's major surgery and I've heard that natural childbirth is so much better, which is why I want to have this baby (I'm 5 months pregnant) born naturally, without c section. You heal so much faster. Plus, some women have worse depression after c section. I'm hoping you can avoid having c section, if at all possible.



answers from Albany on


I've had 3! I opted for the last 2. You might feel some tugging and pressure but not pain. Just make sure to communicate with your anesthesiologist if you start to feel like you have an upset stomach or if you get pain around your shoulders. I had that with my first and just a little with my third. It wasn't a big deal at all though and I would do it again.

As for recovery, don't push yourself. You will take a bit longer to heal but just take it easy.

Congrats and best of luck!



answers from New York on

I have 3 sons, all by c-section. My first was the hardest to recover from because I didn't take the time to heal. After 2 weeks, you'll feel like yourself again. Regarding the surgery, you will be numb from the chest down. You will feel the doctors moving stuff around and the "tugging" when they are taking your baby girl out. The weirdest part of the whole surgery was when they moved me to another bed. Because you have no control of your body and they lift you, you feel like you're going to fall. Other than that, all 3 of my c-sections went very smoothly. Just remember to take the time to heal before getting back to your normal routine.



answers from New York on

I had two c-sections. My first was supposed to be natural - my water broke on Sunday night and on Tuesday morning - the baby was not coming down - her head was sideways in the canal and they had to prep me for a c-secion - no time to think whatsoever. It was not bad at all - I had the epidural before I even knew about the c-section - you feel some pressure and pulling - but it's fine - the recoup time is a bit longer - but it's not bad. My second was a scheduled c-section and they have a new type of epidural and it's better - you are out of bed in no time. With my second dauther it was not pressure more like they were sucking her out - but no pain at all - and they had music on - you can ask for that - there will be a sheet up and you won't see anything - my two experiences were excellent and the first one was a bit of a rush. So - good luck to you.....like I said - it wasn't so bad - probably better than natural childbirth!!!!!



answers from New York on

Hi C.,

I had 2 c-sections, first one unplanned, 2nd one planned. You have to remember, everyone recovers differently. Fortunately, my recoveries were both extremely easy. The pain wasn't as bad as I thought. All I needed for pain at home was motrin for a couple of days. The actual c-section is so quick. If it's planned, you will probably have a spinal. I was only numb from the stomach down. The numbness doesn't last too long after the surgery, maybe a couple of hours. I'm a little claustrophobic and I didn't like the sheet so close to my face. Your wrists will also be strapped. My husband was right next to me the whole time and they let him cut the cord. They even put a mirror up for me so I can watch them take out the baby. And believe me, there was nothing gross about it, you can't see any of your insides! If I had another, I honestly would opt for another c-section. The best thing you can do is not worry about it. I wish you the best of luck!



answers from New York on

C. -
I had 3 c-sections and each one got easier to recover from! The first was not planned - baby was 10 days overdue and did not want to come out despite many attempts. I was awake during all 3. I did not feel a thing. The surgery was most difficult to recover from with #1, but I was up and about fairly quickly. The feeling of going numb is strange, but nothing to be scared about. Ask the doctor/nurses questions during the procedure. Let them know how you feel. They've done this many times before and will help you relax and enjoy your birth experience. I had a button to press in recovery for everytime the pain got too much. After a day I didn't need it. It really is a great way to have a baby (not that I can compare to natural birth!!)

Best to you and baby and family!

Please let me know how it all goes!




answers from New York on

Did you speak with the doctor that is going to be doing the c-section? Are you sure that you will be awake? Do you want to be awake?
I had a c-section and was knocked out completely. Think about what you want and talk to your doctor and see what options there are.



answers from New York on

I had my first child, Emily (14months)by c-section because she was breech. Prior to this I had never been in a hospital, had surgery etc...Needless to say I was scared and expecting the absolute worst! BUT Don't worry! The process is so fast and they really do everything to make you feel safe and comfortable. Yes the epidural numbs your body from mid waist down (you can move your arms ),and all you will feel is pressure when they are moving the baby out.
Honestly, the worst part is after the surgery getting in and out of bed because of the incision, but they will give you painkillers (i took motrin, but they give you heavier stuff if you want it).
Good Luck!



answers from Syracuse on

I had an unplanned c-section in 1990. No problem. And with the new technology it would be better. If you are worried, (which can cause its own set of problems) talk with your gyn.



answers from New York on

I assist on c-sections and it is much easier to deliver the baby for the physicians that way than naturally. As far as the epidural goes, it is easy as long as you don't have any spine problems like scoliosis. That just makes it a little more challenging. They might do a spinal which will numb you from the belly down and the feeling will come back in a few hours. At least you will be comfortable during that time period. I do believe that the recovery will be a little harder for you than the last 2 times.



answers from New York on

I just had my 2nd C-Section in September - the first one was 12 years ago - I had a natural birth 10 years ago.

You are awake - but you won't feel a thing! I chatted with the doctors the whole time. It's an amazing thing. The recovery is not as bad as you may think. You get to stay in the hospital and get some rest for 5 days - it's really great! Things have gotten so much easier. The doctors will explain everything to you and put you at ease. Think positively - you will be fine. AND you'll have a brand new baby girl!


answers from New York on

I have had two c-sections. The first one was unplanned, and after 20+ hours of labor. My second was planned. And SO SO SO much easier. My body wasnt fatigued, and I was mentally prepared for it.
Since you know you will have a section, you are already ahead of the game.

The nurses will prep you, and possible shave you, if they think its necessary. You'll walk to the OR, and that is where you will have your epidural. Its a pinch. The tough part is you have to hold perfectly still while they do it. And you are hunched over which isnt easy because you have an 8 lb baby in your rib cage. Usually your husband isnt allowed in the room while you get the epidural.

After that is over you get to lay back and try to relax. They will put warm towels on you and your legs will start to feel heavy. They dont numb your entire body. Just from the waist down.

When you are in labor they give you a running epidural. Its on a drip they can increase or decrease.
With a scheduled section you get a one shot deal. And by the time they finish you can start to get some sensation back. Not pain, just some feeling. I know it sounds weird, but its really okay.

After you are numb the nurses with give you a catheter. You wont feel anything, so dont worry about that.

There will be an anesthesiologist hovering by your head talking to you the entire time. You will probably feel queezy. If you do, COMPLAIN about it, because they will give you something in your IV to make you feel better. And it does make you feel 100% better. Throwing up while laying on your back isnt pleasant. So, dont be a hero, if you start to feel sick, SPEAK UP!

FINALLY, your husband will be allowed to sit with you and hold your hand. The curtain goes up and you'll hear the drs talking.
You'll feel some tugging and pulling. Kinda like one of your kids hopping around all over your tummy. And in a matter of a few minutes you'll feel a huge pull and you'll hear a cry.

The drs always held up the baby over the curtain so I could see them in their bloody mess. Tell you husband to keep the camera on standby to get some shots.

The nurses will wrap up baby and bring her over for a quick visit and some kisses. Normally c-section babies will go to the NICU for observation. Because they arent born vaginally their chests dont get squeezed, so they have extra fluid in their lungs to get rid of.

I always told my husband to go and be with the baby, but its your choice whether you want him to stay with you or go to the nursery.
Stitching you up takes about 30 minutes.

You legs will feel VERY heavy, but you'll be able to start feeling them more. They will wheel you into recovery, check your vitals and bring in your bundle of joy.

The very next day after your section you'll get the catheter removed and you'll get up to take a shower. And they will want you to walk around. Oh, and you'll be on super duty pain killers. Enjoy those. :)
I wont lie, walking is tough. Moving is tough. Keeping a pillow pressed against your incision while you walk around is very helpful. I'm sure the nurses will show you, and they will help you.

Bring a robe with you to the hospital. They will make you walk the halls to get you to pass gas. Its less humiliating, and revealing if you have your comfy robe on. The hospital night gowns never did it for me. :) At my hospital they let me push around the plastic crib with the baby in it while I walked the halls. I got to show him off, and get my bowels moving all at the same time.

Its most hospital's policy they will NOT leave the newborn in the room with you while you are alone. Only because you cant jump up in case the baby is choking or needs assistance. So, if your visitors leave, the baby will have to go the nursery. However, I had fantastic nurses that would stay in the room with me and the baby while I nursed or did whatever. After the first couple days you are more mobile and they will let the baby stay with you alone.

Take my advice and TAKE IT EASY AFTER YOU GET HOME. I didnt listen and tried to be super mom and my c-section incision actually opened and it was nightmare. I had to have a nurse come everyday to my house and pack my incision. And I saw the OB in the office more after my c-section than while I was pregnant.

A c-section is major surgery. Its routine, but its major. Allow your body a chance to heal.
With my second section I took it easy and followed drs orders. I was fine.
I hope that answered some of your questions. Without scaring you, too much. :)
Best of luck on your new little one!!!!



answers from New York on

I'm 22 and I just had a c-section. It sucks, but its not the end of the world. Make sure you are somewhat active during your pregnancy and stretch your muscles by walking around the hospital a little bit after the surgery to get your muscles used to working again. The hardest thing is getting in and out of bed, because that is where you use your abdominal muscles the most. You may not be fully comfortable doing this for a month or more. Just take it at your own pace, but don't just lie around forever because it will take you longer to heal.
Hope this helps. I'm not a doctor though, so check with him before you take my advice :-)



answers from New York on

I have had 3 c-sections and I was nervous each time going in but it was actually not bad at all. you feel no pain just a little pressure and tugging and you get your baby right away.
After the recovery pain felt sore like doing tons of sit ups but, the faster you get up and move the better.
Good luck, no worries it will be great!!!



answers from Albany on

HI C.! My name is K. & I had 2 c-sections with my kids... I was terrified as well since I don't like to feel "out of control" & without feeling...
the epidural wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...just squeeze the nurse's shoulders tight (my poor nurse-ha) & breathe & you will be OK... you can't see anything..it's kind of exciting to be awake too because you can't feel a thing except for some tugging when they get your baby out,& then hear your baby..... It doesn't take long after to have your feeling in the legs, feet back...getting in & out of bed will be a bit painful as with any other surgery but after about a week, you'll be feeling almost like yourself again--just don't overdo!
just think positive, breathe, smile if you can & you will definitely get thru it & have a terrific baby! Congrats!!



answers from New York on

I had my son (who is 15 months now) by scheduled c-section after my ob/gyn recommended it because the baby measured so big in the sonogram (he was born 8lbs, 9ozs and that was 2 weeks early). I was totally afraid because it was my first baby and I had never been in a hospital for anything let alone surgery and I hate needles. Every hospital is probably a little different but Crystal basically summed it up. The only painful part was the cathedar (sp?) and that was because they gave me mine before I went into the operating room and had the epidoral so I felt that. I thought the epidoral needle would hurt but it was nothing and I had to get it twice because the first time I felt a little something so she had to move the port around and do it again but even that wasn't painful. After the epidoral they put the blankets on your legs and you just feel warmth and heaviness as it spreads up your body but only to your chest. I didn't feel sick during it and the baby was out in like 5 minutes, some people say they feel a lot of pressure when they take the baby out but I don't remember it being that bad. You kind of feel them tugging but it's not pain, it's hard to explain. The longest part was them sewing me back up which was about 20-30 minutes which I didn't feel anything. Then I went to recovery until I was able to wiggle my toes which was a couple of hours later. The nurses at the hospital did wake me up in the middle of the first night though to get up and sit in a chair which was hard at first but they say it's best to get up and moving a little as soon as possible. It was a little painful the day after but not too bad and I had the baby with me in the room by myself from the first night on. The hospital I was in was not the best as far as help was concerned so I was forced to move around. :) They gave me painkillers the first day (percocet I think) but by the second day I was just taking motrin and that was fine. It hurt a little to laugh or cough for a couple of days but I didn't feel the recovery was as bad as some people were telling me.

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