Any Recommendations for a Portrait Studio

Updated on November 27, 2009
M.V. asks from Arlington Heights, IL
9 answers

Any recommendations for a good portrait studio to take my twins for their 2yr old pictures. Nothing too pricey... & im not interested in buying a package. I've gone to Kiddie Kandids in the past but they no longer do the birthday/ milestone club where u get a free sitting for b-day pics & a free 8x10. i've heard good things about jcpenney & sears. anyone know what the prices are & is there a sitting fee? can i just purchase a couple 8x10's of each twin & then perhaps 1 8x10 of them together? am i obligated to purchase a package?

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answers from Chicago on

I have had great luck with the Sears at Louis Joliet Mall, I have never paid a sitting fee plus also get reduced prices per sheet with coupons that either come in magazines or online. Iused to do just the one pose thing but have found buying ala carte works better for me, I think the prices are reasonable and I usually do not have any problems getting appointments although I do recommend trying for the earliest appointment. Good Luck.

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answers from Chicago on

Our favorite has been Penney's. With the coupon, you get one free sitting fee ($9.99) and either $3.99 a sheet or a package deal (all one pose) for like $8.99. The first package comes with a free 8x10. The only drawback is that it takes a week or two for the pics to come in . We have also gone to Portrait Innovations for our Christmas pictures. They have a package for $9.95 that comes with several pics (check their website). It is usually CRAZY busy in there and takes about 2 hours to get out of there. The good thing is that you get the pics the same day.



answers from Chicago on

I used JCPenney but was tired of buying useless sheets with only one pose per package.....I interviewed 12 different photographers & ended up with a mom that turned her garage into a photo studio.....she has better prices than Sears or JC Penney and the best part is you dont have to pick just one pose....& you can buy ala cart......a 2nd awesome feature is she lives on 2 acres & has a creek with a bridge......she doesnt charge any extra for doing indoor or outdoor pics on her 2 acres.....she has a lot of fun props too.......i have been going to her for 4 years now.....her name is amanda go to ..........good luck




answers from Chicago on

I like Portrait Innovations. I've spent anywhere from $35 to $150 when I ordered Xmas cards at the same time. They'll try to push you to buy more of course but you can choose whatever you want. Their website lists locations.



answers from Chicago on

I agree with portrait inovations. They are fantastic Iused them for the first time in July I spent 99 and bought a ton of pictures plus they gave me a cd with our entire sitting the photographer took over 150 pictures of my son. They range in price I think I paid 5.50 a sheet. I have also used tearget portrait studios. they are 3.99 a sheet. I think the potrait inovations are better and you get your pics on the spot which is nice. I hope that helps



answers from Colorado Springs on

From all the places we've gone to, I like JC Penny the best. Portrait Innovations was the worst for us. And I've heard Portrait People reviews that haven't been great either. I think it really all depends on your experience.

At JCP, there is a sitting fee if you don't belong to their portrait club (worth it if you plan on going back in 2 years)...they have great coupons out right now (try finding one in parent magazines). You don't have to buy a package and get sheets for as low as 3.99 each with coupon (ex. 2 5x7 sheet, 4 3x3.5 sheet, 1 8x10, 8 wallets).



answers from Chicago on

I've had great portraits done at Penneys and they always have coupons out for $3.99 per sheet, plus often a free 8x10. You might want to check their website if you don't have a coupon you might be able to print one.



answers from Chicago on

I second Portrait Innovations. We've used them for several years.


answers from Chicago on

I also recommend JC Penny. I was there with my son last year when he turned a year. (Golf Mill) The photographer was really good, she knew how to get great poses out of him and he wasn't such a happy camper that day. She did several different poses. I got coupons from Parenting magazine. I'm planning to go there again soon.

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