Best Double Stroller for a Newborn and 4 Year Old

Updated on February 26, 2010
R.T. asks from Flower Mound, TX
7 answers

We like to travel and go places which requires a lot of walking at times. I realize that my 4 year old is able to walk on his own, but if he is tired, I would like an option to put him in a stroller versus having to hold him. So, what stroller would you recommend. My DS is only 33 pounds so he meets the weight requirement for the ones 40 lbs and under, but are there stroller that accommodate larger weights. Are side by side or tandem strollers better? What about the sit and stand strollers?

Thanks for your advice!

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answers from Atlanta on

We have the Peg Perego Aria Twin and have been very happy with it. The Aria is a side by side but we never had trouble going through doors or maneuvering through stores. We had a tandem when they were little but once they got bigger, we preferred the side by side. Good luck


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answers from Philadelphia on

sit and stand!!! I would think in a year or two, your now 4 year old would feel silly sitting in a double stroller. The sit and stand will get a lot more use!!!



answers from Corvallis on

I have a phil&teds and my husband and I absolutely love it. It is sooo easy to steer and has different configurations for different ages. It's one of the most expensive kid things we have ever bought, but it was worth it. We have had it for about three years now and it is holding up very well. I would recommend an tandem over a side by side just for the ability of being able to go to more places. Side by sides are so wide it tends to limit where you can use them. Hope that helps.



answers from Dallas on

I love our sit and stand. My daughter was 38 months when my son was born. It fits his infant car seat for when he falls asleep in the car. It is great, and my daughter still feels like a big girl, but I don't have to worry about her walking off.



answers from Augusta on

I'd go with the sit and stand , so you don't have to push a big double stroller with an empty seat in it if he's walking.
For us I had a new born and a 3 yr old the 3 yr old just walked and when she got tired she rode on daddys shoulders.



answers from Dallas on

I have a sit-n-stand .... LOVE IT! I have an almost 4 year old and a 7 month old ---- it is the best thing I ever bought! (I bought it on Craigslist for about $60 -- best $60 I EVER spent) ... :)



answers from Dallas on

Joovy Caboose- best by far! I have a 4yo and 9mos old.

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