Cruelty-Free Hair Products

Updated on July 11, 2009
C.A. asks from Petaluma, CA
4 answers

I am looking for a shampoo and conditioner (not combo) that work well and are cruelty-free. It would be nice if they were inexpensive as well, but I know I can't have it all. I have very thick, naturally curly hair. My hair feels and looks dry most of the time and is often frizzy (which causes me to wear it pulled back most of the time). I was looking at Avon and was wondering if anyone has used their shampoo and/or conditioner and how it worked for them as well as any other brands.
Thank you!

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answers from Sacramento on

There is a line of shampoo and conditioners that is made by organix. They are available at most drug stores, wal mart seems to have the best selection. They also have funny shaped bottles and smell really good. My favorite is the coconut milk ones.
W. M

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.,

Here's a great web site for you that will help you to find exactly what you are looking for. It is called Skin Deep and is a nonprofit run by the Environmental Working Group. This site is very easy to use, very accurate, and rates thousands of cosmetics, based on how safe they are for our bodies and our environment. Go to and take a look- you won't be sorry you did! Best, L. S.

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answers from San Francisco on

Burt's Bees has shampoo and conditioner that is natural and not tested on animals. I wasn't super excited about it, but you have a different kind of hair, so maybe you would like it. Also I knew a stylist who used a spray olive oil product, and if you could find that it might be good for your dry-frizzies (and natural).

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answers from San Francisco on

try BWC (you guessed it, beauty without cruelty) prices have come down over the years..
Aubrey, another well known name and I do believe California baby.
Nowadays, there are many products to choose from..

best of luck

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