HELP! Has Anyone Heard of OurGV??? Is Is a SCAM???

Updated on June 09, 2017
L.W. asks from Raymond, ME
9 answers

My mother has invested in this and she thinks it is legit but I am very skeptical and was wondering if anyone had any info on this? Thanks so much and have a happy day!

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Thanks for all of your responses! I am going to give my mom the information that you all gave me and see what she thinks!

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answers from New York on

I also went to their website, and did a little research. This is sending up lots of questions for me. 1.) If they are a legitimate business, why do they have 2 websites one is a .com, the other a .org. One of the websites, they are offering a million dollar cruise, seems fishy if they are interested in helping charities. This also talks about a home business, which most of the ones I have seen are all a ploy or fakes. How did you mom become aware of this website? As a licensed financial consultant, I am always fishy when my customers tell me that they want to invest in a new company, or one that is unheard of by the public. If this was legitimate, the only way for a business to raise capital is by bonds or by selling stocks. Bonds work like a savings bond, and it is a debt product. If the co goes belly up, people holding the bonds collect their money. Stocks are what's traded on the Dow and Nasdaq, and when you own stock, you own part of that company. With either one of these options, the SEC investigates thoroughly the company, and it is normally done with the help of lawyers. If this company didn't go through either route, I would say that they have something to hide. Good luck.

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answers from New York on


I took a look at their web site. There is a section to see what other businesses think of OurGV, and it's sending up a red flag for me. It lists interviews with the CEO of, and The problem with this is that THEY ARE THEY SAME GUY! It's Chad Shapiro, and he's also the CEO of OurGV. This guy's got a couple of different web "enterprises" going, and he's using one to endorse others. This does not necessarily guarantee that it's not on the up and up, but makes me wary.

This appears to be a company who recruit people to do fundraising for nonprofits. The non-profit sets up a website through which their supporters can shop, and the nonprofit gets a commission on the sales. So does the salesperson, and the person who recruited, and the person who recruited them, on up the chain.

Please, stay away from businesses that focus more on recruiting others than they do on a quality product. It's not a good way to do business, or a reliable way to make money.

Nowhere in this website was there are discussion of the percentage of money going to the charities, or of exactly what they are selling. Two more red flags.


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answers from San Antonio on

It is legit and a very good company that help people save money shopping and helps business owners with business solutions and helps non profits generate income from internet searching.

call me for more info

J. P.




answers from Springfield on

She should call the better business bureau . She should be able to get answers there.



answers from Seattle on

Nothing annoys me more than seeing every business opportunity have some idiot on Google calling it a scam.

The traditional institution of jobs and bosses where you go to work every day to a boss that's up your behind and that makes you feel like your life is obnoxious and wasted for a few peanuts>>> and every morning you hae to fight the other gladiators on the road to get there. That's the real scam.

To the Certified Financial Counselor who said the only way to finance a business is through stocks and bonds>>>WRONG!!!!!!!
There are many ways of financing a startup business. Have you not heard of a privately owned company?



answers from Las Vegas on

IMO OurGV (Our Global Vision)
is one of the worst Network Marketing companies out there today.

I would stay clear of this company!

My little story: I joined OurGV, shelling out over $500. Marita Ionescu (top leader in the company) promised me that after I joined and became a part of her cheer squad she would place two people under me so I could earn the money invested. She said: "I only earn money when you do" (believe, you, me, all network marketing companies say that. It's BS!)

Marita Ionescu has this cheer squad, where people are grouped together in a chat room where a live online training is being held. There are new people, people that are working the business and top leaders in the company, like Chad Shapiro (CEO).

Your job as a new person is to type words like: Yes! That's great! Wow! Terrific! Great job! It creates a positive atmosphere for the people who haven't joined yet.

I made every training and I was cheering in the chat room. Oh, and let me say this, their training class is all a bunch of huey. Training is when you teach someone how to do the business. Their training is telling you about all the bonuses and if you purchase at the $3200 level, then your rank goes up and you earn more money when you get people in. They talk about the cruise ship you will be on, when you get some many people in. There is no real trainings, only more things you can purchase to increase your rank. IMO that is NOT training.

After I joined, paid $500+, joined the cheer squad. I asked Marita Ionescu can I receive the 2 people she promised me. She said, yes once you join at the $3200 level. She never said that before. She changed the rules. Now, curious, if someone lies to you and now re-promises to get two people in after she totally lied to you in the beginning, would you trust her to set you up with two people? No! This is how a scammer person works. She tells you what you want to hear and then breaks her promise and you get nothing.

If you like to scam people and have family and friends who enjoy scamming others, telling people what they want to hear and not following through, then you too can make some fast money, cheating others.

I am personally not built this way.

What is worse is you get a very limited window to cancel your service and OMG you have to jump through a lot of hoops to cancel. Marita Ionescu will talk to you more often during this stage, pumping you up and keeping you in the game, once you missed your window to cancel, all promises become null and void.

Besides the $500+ you also are required to pay $30 per month to maintain your back office. Failure to make payments, you are out of the business.

Stay away from Marita Ionescu and Chad Shapiro. Unless of course, you would rather just throw money down the drain.

Horrible experience! These people are true scammers, in my opinion!



answers from Seattle on

I know the CEO and top people in the company personally and they are the most humble Christian people that I have met. I wE an out of work satellite technician and OurGV changed everything for me I have never had greater training anywhere in any previous product company that I get here and I alwYs get paid on time the company has 0 complaints in 9 years with the BBB. I get cashback when I shop help non Profits, get paid to search on my yahoo toolbar and get to build a residual income forever. Yes you recruit but this is a business that is legit all integrity and we also have all the latest technologies to help businesses with business solutions this is the easiest and the best company with the greatest leadership ever! There is a system in place to show you step by step how to do this business. I am So grateful to have found OurGV. Contact me for more info ###-###-#### or visit

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