How Old Is Too Old to "Trick or Treat?"

Updated on September 28, 2008
M.G. asks from Rancho Cucamonga, CA
67 answers

Hello Moms!

I have two sons, ages 8 and 11. Our neighborhood cul-de-sac has a friendly BBQ every Halloween. We bring out our moon bounce, bbq's and fire pit and about 10 houses enjoy being neighborly. Most sit near the fire and let kids roast SMORES and have bowls of candy in our laps to hand out. Kids never ring a door bell at our end of the street, because we are all outside. Nobody's home is too scary for a child to approach.. that is one of our rules.

So, How old is too old to dress up the kids and Trick or Treat? My 11 year-old already has his costume all thought out. Dad dresses up too. Not for candy, but just to be fun with the kids. Grandma is telling Jordan he is too old for this younger kid sport.
I dressed up until the 6th grade.

I am not interested in getting religious responses. Just tell me about fun experiences. I am sure Mom's out there have the same curiosity. Many stores are already decked out in Halloween decor. And it's getting more expensive every year!


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Wow... almost 60 responses!!! i am overwhelmed reading them all.

My son Jordan will be Trick-or-Treating this year. Next year, since he will be 12, we will have him go with his younger brother.
It was nice to hear both sides... the person at the door doling out the candy and the ones who dress up and have fun with their kiddos. We have a fun block and we will always dress up in costume. If by chance we hear chatter that he is too old, then we will have him create his own fun by playing games with the kids in the moon bounce or help supervise younger ones without holding his bag open at each door. We have enough candy between adults and kids, that he will be able to pick out what goes in his loot bag.

Happy "trick-or-treating" everyone!!


Featured Answers



answers from Reno on

I don't think there's a magic age at which children should stop trick-or-treating. Children grow up way too quickly as it is, so why take this away from them? Have fun! :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Las Vegas on

I don't think one is EVER too old to dress up for Halloween! I think that once a kid enters high school, that they are probably past trick-or-treating age (I helped pass out candy once I reached that age). It is just a fun holiday for people to dress up, never too old!

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answers from Los Angeles on

You're never too old!! OK..parents can't get candy, but really in my opinion, I don't care if 15 year olds come to my door!! BUT, THEY BETTER HAVE A COSTUME ON! I love seeing the costumes and the creativity of the older kids. I hate when adults come with babies in strollers and get candy for them. That's just my pet peeve! That baby is not eating that candy!

People should have fun with this holiday! Kids grow up too fast. I can't imagine telling an 11 year old he is too old. I disagree with Grandma completely!!

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More Answers



answers from San Diego on

In the neighborhood I grew up in most of the teenagers still went trick-or-treating, and sometimes even adults! As long as your son enjoys it there is no harm. Grandma's always have their opinions, it doesn't make it true. Besides 11 years is still plenty young enough.



answers from Los Angeles on

I agree...about 6th grade. I think it is kind of weird when you see a teenager at the door especially when they aren't even in costume! Or, parents...that is just wrong!
It must be hard for him getting older and his younger brother gets to enjoy all this fun for a few more years.
It sounds like you have a great block and there is lots of fun things to do! I would also just look around and see who else is trick-or-treating. If you are friends with everyone on the block and your son and his neighbor friends go around together, then it's not a big deal.
good luck:)



answers from San Diego on

I say never too old to trick or treat. My daughter is 13 and is thinking of what her costume might be, maybe just a wig or something, but she still loves to go out. I see older kids trick or treating with no costume, but I don't mind that. Halloween is one of the most fun "holidays" of the year.



answers from Los Angeles on

My son is 6'5" - even when he was 11, he was about six feet tall, so I explained to him that some people might be a little intimidated by him, (especially with the horrible rubber head thing he had) but he went with a group of kids and no one really knew if he was "the grown up" or a kid. He has a great sense of humor and would do silly stuff like squat down low when he put forward his bag for candy. Its all about fun. I told him he should not be upset if some people didn't give him candy, thinking he was a grown up. He was cool with that. I think you will find that in the next couple of years he will be hanging out with his peer group and when its a group of 12-13 year old boys, they kinda know they are too old, but usually manage to get some candy anyway! I think they will definitely need a chaperone though (so they don't get in any trouble).



answers from Las Vegas on

Well if your son still wants to dress up and get some candy then that's fine. It's a kid type of holiday. I remember dress up still when I was about 14 to 15 I believe. I had a younger sister that I would go out with when she wasn't sick or if she was I would go out and get candy for her. He will stop when he is ready to. Just let him have fun.



answers from San Diego on


Let your son dress up as long as he still wants to. It is such a fond memory of childhood and kids are pushed away from "childish" things too quickly these days.

I too love to see the creativity of older children's costumes; as long as they are actually wearing one! Otherwise, no candy! Have fun and enjoy still being a kid!




answers from Los Angeles on

HI I'm 26 and the one day I look forward to besides my birthday is Halloween - I like it more than Christmas - I have been fortunate to have siblings much younger than me and now I have a son and I use them all to my full advantage to dress up and trick or treat - I really don't care about the candy - but again - 26 and still dress up so let them decide when they feel too old for it!



answers from Reno on

11 is in no way to old! I think it's great that your son is still excited. My 12 yr old stepson thinks he's to cool for Halloween! Enjoy it with your kids. I think high school is a bit old. At that age you know they're just doing it for the candy and not the fun spirit of the holiday.



answers from Los Angeles on

If your 11-year old son is enthusiastic and excited about dressing up for Halloween, then I think he should dress up! This goes for any age. I love Halloween and dressing up and I'm an adult. I feel a little sad that my 13-year old daughter is not into dressing up anymore. That being said, I don't appreciate it when teenagers come to my door on Halloween night with barely a costume, i.e., lame t-shirt or just a mask, and want candy. Have a Hapy Halloween!



answers from San Diego on

I personally have no problem to giving candy to any age! I feel that if you put energy into a costume that you get a treat! For those people that are not dressed I simply say that I give candy only to children in costume : )
Happy Halloween!



answers from San Diego on

At 35 I still dress up. I love it! I want to say about 5th or 6th grade was when I stopped going door to door. It just wasn't fun anymore, I got strange looks too. Ask his friend's moms and see what they say. If the majority say they still let them do it then I would let him have his fun at least one more year.



answers from Los Angeles on

11 is not too old especially when w/ 8 yr old. Jr. High is getting too old.



answers from Los Angeles on

When your son says he's too old for dress up is when he is to old for Halloween. Then it will be a time to mourn his loss of fun, imagination, and his bond with the child that will always be inside him. Don't let someone else take that from him. Your husband dresses out. I myself dress out every year. Others may make comment or faces, but it is the one time of year when personal expression is allowed and not harshly judged. Let this be one of the things that your son makes the call on. When he is grown, he will remeber that you didn't limit his youth.
Good Luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't think 11 is too old , I myself was 17 when I stopped Trick or Treating , and no one on my street said anything to me of course they all knew me after 13 years of Halloween...let him have fun



answers from Honolulu on

11 is NOT too old. If he is going to the trouble to dress up then he deserves to trick or treat. Not everyone will agree but WHO CARES. Hes still a kid - let them have fun for as long as they can.



answers from San Diego on

Let him dress up. I dressed up until High School. I love seeing the older kids come up with great ideas for costumes. I think its great he wants to dress up and has ideas for costumes.



answers from San Diego on

Hi M., my 19 year old daughter is trying to figure out what she is going to be for Haloween. To me things that are for fun are for every one. You mentioned no religious response, we are a Christian family and our kids have always went out, and we have always handed out candy. It's apart of child hood, that they should not miss. Actually celebrating Haloween, is sitting in the Grave yards over night worshiping the dead, children/adults dressing up is not celebrating Halloween in the sense of the words, I say if your 11 year old wants to trick or treat I say why not. J.



answers from Las Vegas on

We were allowed to trick-or-treat until the 6th grade. I think 12 is about the last year it's acceptable to go. Sounds like you guys have a fun time!



answers from Los Angeles on

As long as your children are excited about Trick or Treating, let them go. Our kids today have to grow up too fast anyway. Let them do the kid thing as long as possible. Make sure older kids are well supervised to avoid too many tricks.

Grandma L



answers from Reno on

Hi M.,

In my neighborhood, it's usually the high school age siblings who take their younger siblings around for trick or treat. It's not uncommon for me to open the door to a chorus of "Hi, Mrs. F!" since I teach at the local high school. Consequently, I would say "too old" is when your son can no longer appreciate the simple, good fun that is Halloween or he becomes rude and pushy at someone's door.

As for expensive costumes, in my family, we stick to what can be done with what's already in the house or something on supersale the day before Halloween or found at the local dollar store.

Happy Halloween!



answers from San Diego on

First of all, what a wonderful time you have with your neighborhood! I think that is awesome.
Now, myself and my friends dressed up and went around the neighborhood until we were 16 years old. As long as we had an interesting or elaborate costume, everyone was more than willing to give us candy.
My brother trick-or-treated until he was 17! He got dressed up and went with my daughter. He still went up for treats, you bet! I see no problem with it, and it beats the kids going to parties and possibly getting in trouble, which is what some of my other friends who didn't trick-or-treat did. I guess my mom felt the same way.
So there you are, I guess you figured I don't think 11 is too old. haha
Happy Trick-or-treating!



answers from San Diego on

I think 16 yrs old is about it for our household. (We have a 16 yr old girl, 9 yr old boy and a baby).



answers from Los Angeles on

M., Seems I have heard 12 is the cut-off age for dressing up for halloween. One year I had large brown bags
I cut holes for the head and arms and let my sons decorate their costumes. They enjoyed that year so much. B.



answers from Visalia on

I was allowed to trick or treat until I was in high school. Once I started high school, that is when my parents put the kabosh on it. I had a great time with my friends in our neighborhood. I personally do not think that 11 is too old. I would let him until he is a "teenager"...13 might be pushing it...but hey, you are only a kid once!



answers from Las Vegas on

My own personal opinion is that as long as the "child" wants to dress up and trick-or-treat, let them. I remember dressing up and going out to trick or treat until I think I was in sixth grade as well.

I never bothered anyone else or got in the smaller kids way so I say as long as they are doing this, let them. Kids grow up too fast these days. Let them be kids as long as possible.

That's my opinion, hope it helps.



answers from Los Angeles on

Are you kidding me??? You are never to old to trick or treat! LOL : ) I say when they stop wanting to go they are too old. Don't tell anyone, but I wish I could still go! : )



answers from San Diego on

OMG!!! "childhood" is short enuf these days...with 12 and 13 yer olds texting their friends every 2 seconds and making out on street corners! if yer boy wants to dress up i would say "go for it!" and politely tell grandma to mind her own bee's wax!! :) my boy is younger, but i plan to encourage EVERY inclination he has to still be a kid for as long as i can, in the hopes of allowing him to be a "kid" for the amount of time we all enjoyed. my family had a huge halloween party every year for parents woudl turn the basement into a haunted house with bowls of cold spaghetti for brains and the works! EVERYONE dressed up from 2 to 52, and they are the greatest memories for all of us! my brother was 46 on the 1st, is a football player and one of the best men i know. and he has a GREAT time every hallowen and still dresses up...he still knows how to have fun! once you lose that, i think life becomes too serious and boring. i would give yer son a huge hug and thank the fates for the wonderful little boy you got and have as much fun together as he wants! those days are gone too soon. all the best!!



answers from Los Angeles on

My kids Trick or treated till High School! You bet... As long as they wore a costume and were polite, I don't see any problems with it. Hey, your only young once. Make the best of it. I don't like when older kids come to my door without a costume (I tell them to come back when they have a costume... even a wig, I don't care, just get into the spirit of it). Also, make sure they say "Trick or Treat" and THANK YOU! It goes a long way. Good luck. I wouldn't ever consider this question till High School! Let them be kids and have some fun.
Good luck,



answers from Los Angeles on

I did until I was 15. I'd say by high school it's too old. But then I was a shorty too.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.~

WOW! You are NEVER, EVER too young to dress up for Halloween!!! Halloween is such a fun time for people at ANY age! If your son wants to dress up, then please let him!


Please don't allow that precious spirit to be robbed from your children! Don't let Grandma fill their heads with nonsense either. Let them be children... unfortunately, childhood doesn't last long enough anyway. Kids don't need help having it ripped away because someone tells them they're too old! With all due respect, M., perhaps you and Grandma should go all out yourselves, let loose, and HAVE FUN! :)

In Light,



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,
I don't think there really is an age limit. I've seen high school kids trick or treating every year. I think as long as they want to dress up let them. I love to dress up for Halloween. Now even more for my daughter. Every year since I could remember I have dressed up. I am just a big kid inside when it comes to fun holidays. Just have fun with it, it sounds like your neighborhood is a blast on Halloween. Let your kids dress up and if they want let them trick or treat......they will know when they are too old to do it.



answers from Los Angeles on

I went trick or treating through high school. It was a fun family activity that even my grandfather went on with his gorilla mask and USC sweatshirt, but once I got to high school I went out with friends and then to a party afterward. I still enjoy dressing up for Halloween, but now I have an excuse again. My brother stopped around 9th grade because he was too cool. But I say if your oldest still wants to be a kid, let him!



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi M.,

My mother wouldn't let us trick or treat after 6th grade, but my sister (2 years older than I am) and I went out and did it anyway when I was in 7th. As for my kids, I stopped making my daughter a costume after 6th grade so she made her own last year. Being in 8th grade this year, she'll be taking her little brother around now. We had many high school students come through when I lived in Orlando last year. The worst was a high school student who trick or treated with her newborn. That was ridiculous. As long as kids are friendly and have manners, it didn't bother me too much.



answers from Las Vegas on

Our neighborhood always printed the trick-or-treating times in the paper and reminded everyone that it was for kids 12 and under. They simultaneosly held a teen Hallowe'en Party at the fire hall. That covered all the bases. My parents would let me dress up, regardless. And if I was willing to take my younger siblings around trick-or-treating, I was allowed to keep whatever candy people offered me as the chaperone, which was a lot! Once you're too cool to dress up, that is definitely the way to go.



answers from Honolulu on

Paint Grandma's face green, put a black pointed hat on her head, a long black dress on her body, hand her a bowl of candy to hand out, and tell her to lighten up.

Last year I dressed as a pumpkin, the previous year a spirit in white flowing shreads, this year? Who knows, maybe George W. Bush-he has certainly done some frightening things to our economy LOL.

When on the mainland, I decorated the whole house inside and out. Nothing in the yard... all outside decos were ON the house, fence, and porch.

If your 11 y.o. is in the holiday spirit (no pun intended)and not out to get candy, let him dress up. If his thought-out costume is too frightening for a 5 y.o. maybe he needs to change it.

LAM: I'm a Chrisitan and 56. Mother of 3 (g36, g33, b19)and teacher of 18 years. I currently live where Holloween is enjoyed by almost all light-hearted people and Santa's skin is brown, wears surfing shorts, short sleeves and slippahs (flip flops).

Hang loose and enjoy the moments. They are gone all too quickly.



answers from San Diego on

Oh, those grandmas and their beliefs! Explain to your son that Grandma is entitled to her opinion, and he needs to be respectful of that, but that sometimes the viewpoints of older people and of younger people do not coincide. Neither is necessarily wrong, just different. In the opinion of this grandma, one is never too old to attend a Halloween party. As for trick-or-treating, once my kids turned 13-14, they started staying home and passing out the candy unless they were escorting younger kids on trick-or-treating excursions. At 11, your son still has several trick-or-treating years ahead of him. I see nothing wrong with older kids trick-or-treating as long as they do not go around in groups, causing trouble.



answers from Honolulu on

It really varies... kids at a certain age will sometimes, just on their own, decide they are too old to dress up and trick or treat. Heck, even older teenagers and college kids and Adults dress up... depending on the event they are participating in.

It seems you are asking, because of the comment Grandma made to Jordan. That doesn't mean you have to go according to her. Let you and your son talk about it, and about the costs involved....since he is old enough to understand.. and see what transgresses about it. Perhaps as a family, you can all consider how to watch your costs, but have fun at the same time.

It seems it is just a fun neighborhood event and is an annual tradition.... and fun for adults and kids. I see nothing wrong if Jordan still wants to dress up. By this time, he must have fun still... and maybe you can let him dress up... but then explain to him that he can accompany his younger sibling, and just have fun... since he is not doing it for the candy, as younger children do.

The thing is, you all have a wonderful family friendly neighborhood event for it... and so, I think it's only fair that Jordan can still dress up and enjoy the festiveness of it still, especially since your Hubby still dresses up too. Jordan should'nt be "excluded" from dressing up, just because of his age... it's an event shared by all your family and neighbors.

All the best,



answers from San Diego on

Hi M.,

My oldest son and his friends trick or treated right up until the 9th grade.

I don't think that 11 is too old at all...this is when the costumes start getting fun and creative....Let him be.....and let his creativity go!

I use to live in a neighborhood for years doing the very thing you and your neighbors was a blast....those days are gone, now that I relocated to San Diego.

Thanks for a blast from the past.




answers from Las Vegas on

I don't think your ever too old. I still like dressing up & trick or treating w/ my kids of course. Maybe Grandma should get dressed up too.



answers from Las Vegas on

In our book at home you are never to old! I have a 10 and 8 year old. My husband and I get together everyyear with our close friends and go trick or treating with all the kids. There is a big group of us. There are plenty of 15 yr olds and older. It is a great neighborhood that we go to and there is still a lot of teenagers and adults out there. Besides there is no rules on how old you can be and plus who doesnt like FREE candy! So go out and enjoy..



answers from San Diego on

You're never too old to dress up and have fun. I have lots of high school kids that come knocking for candy too. Its a day that you can be a kid again. They grow up so fast! I'd probably tell my kids grandma that they are allowed to dress up as long as they want.

Have a great Halloween!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M.,

Your never to old to go "Trick or Treating." I have 4 children and they all went out until they were 16 yrs old. The last 2 years they had a blast. There were about 10 of their friends that dressed up and went out all together. Your son is not to old to still go out. Let him have fun until he feels like he doesn't want to do it any more. I always told my children to behave, don't do any thing wrong, be safe and most of all watch out for the smaller children with helping them if they are in need of help. Just let him go and have fun. He is only young once. Just to tell you a little story. We lived out in the country so I had to always take my children with the car so they could go to all the houses. They couldn't walk to them because some were like 1-2 miles apart. Well to make this short. I myself would have a blast taking them and helping them in and out of the car and then to the houses. I dressed up too. The kids loved it and we all had fun doing it. I even got little treats myself from some of the neighbors because they thought that was so neat to see the kids come and the parent too. Just let him go!!!!!



answers from San Diego on

I was a sophomore in high school the last year I went trick or treating so that would have made me 14 or rather 15 (my b-day is one week before) and then I called it quits. I think we all did after that but we were certainly not the only high schoolers out! After that the Halloween parties had a higher appeal. I still dress up and decorate the house, because Halloween is absolutely FUN



answers from Los Angeles on

Honestly I did it until I started to drive. Then I would dress up and go to Halloween parties. My oldest two kids are 9 and 11 and they will be going out this year as Sesame Street Charaters to match their 2 and 1 year old sister and brother who are going as Elmo & Abby Cadabby. So I guess I don't think 8 and 11 are too old to dress. I still dress up when I go out with my kids. But then again I love Halloween.



answers from Los Angeles on

well for me trick or treating was a fun thing me and my friends and cousins all loved each year. and we didnt care how old we were, i know i did it till i was about 17. just me and a bunch of friends just get dressed up and go trick or treating.. it was fun, we had few grumpy people tell us that arent we a lil too big for it, but we didnt care, it was all in good fun. i know alot of H.S. kids still trick or treat here in our city... so its up to your child when he feels like stopping i guess..



answers from Los Angeles on

11 is not too old!!! Let him do it until he doesn't want to do it anymore!

Where is your cul de sac?? I want to come by for the smores!! LOL

To add to what someone else said, I also don't care if a 15 yo comes to my door, but I prefer them to wear a costume and I do wish they'd at least say please and thank you! We even get Mom's and Dad's holding their very young baby's, trick or treating! I don't care who comes really, just let me get rid of the candy so I don't eat it! LOL

Have fun!



answers from Los Angeles on

If your son still wants to dress up, let him. You can always set him a budget or make parts of his costume (by yourself or with him) if it's too expensive. Don't let grandma ruin it for him - he'll decide for himself when he's too old.
Have fun - your block party halloween sounds like a blast!



answers from Los Angeles on

I think I was in 7 or 8 grade when I decided to stop myself. i just felt "TOO OLD" but it was just me. I know that my older brother was still trick or treating when he was 16! I think it is more of a personal chioce. The "stigma" of being too old I think comes from older kids being disrespectful or bullies. As long as your child knows how to behave I don't see why he can't go for a few more years. And 11 is definatley NOT too old. I love that you have a family friendly party and activities. i could never figure out why we have a holiday where we make kids dress up all cute and then try to scare the heck out of them. We always try to be festive and not scary, too.



answers from Los Angeles on

Halloween - my FAVORITE time of the year!

Well...the last time I went trick-o-treating was when I was 21! Who says it's only for kids? As long as he's willing to put together a costume, I think he's entitled to go trick-o-treating. Some people might comment, but who cares!



answers from Los Angeles on

I think as long as they are being respectful and not bothering other younger kids they can still go. I have a 14 & 17 year old and they still go in the neighborhood. There isn't a lot left in the world today for young people to do that is wholesome clean fun. Keep the costume toned down nothing that will really freak young kids out and follow the same rules not after 9pm and they will be fine. PS TOHS is having their homecoming game this year on Halloween if you are looking for an alternative.



answers from Las Vegas on

My rule would be to let your son decide for himself. When he feels too embarrassed to go, then he is too old for it, but as long as he is polite at people's doors, then he should be allowed to participate.

As for the costume: At my house, we use whatever we already have, and then just purchase the embellishments. Halloween is meant to be fun - not a break the bank holiday.

Enjoy yourselves, don't stress, don't let Grandma tell your son when he is too old (let your son decide that for himself), have fun, dress up, and - above all - BE SAFE!

Good luck!



answers from San Diego on

Hi M..
Well every year we get all the kids dressed up to go trick or treating, all of the parents and uncles are dressed up too. It is a fun day all around. My oldest is 8 amd at his school they have a costume parade. We make a yummy halloween dinner then go out. When any adult in costume goes to the door with the kids the people typically get candy. enjoy this year!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

That's a good question!! It sounds like it is a wonderful family experience. I know I went trick or treating until I was twelve. I think, especially since he has his costume picked out and is so excited that he most certainly should go trick or treating. Put one n the barbi for me!



answers from Santa Barbara on

When I was a teen, we were still trick or treating. Mostly because we were the good teens and didn't drink so needed something to do on Halloween. It was very sad because when we went to people's doors, they were often rude and suspicious because we were so old. I don't see why there has to be an age limit to trick or treating - it's fun to dress up and go see the decorated houses, who doesn't like candy, and what harm were we doing? 11 doesn't seen too old to participate in that sort of thing. It seems pretty normal to me!



answers from San Diego on

I think High School is too old to trick or treat, but one is NEVER to old to wear a costume!



answers from Reno on

I too went thrue high school! Some people made comments at their door (they weren't even rude comments), others just laughed. If someone thinks your son is too old for it, they will give him less or no candy and that is thier right, but I never had anyone actually tell me no before or be rude, even as an 18 year old high school student. If he is dressed up I say let him participate until he gets tired of it! Honestly, it's ssssoooo much fun and there isn't enough of that these days!



answers from San Diego on

Never too old... Grandma should dress up, and have a little fun, too! Ali



answers from Reno on

Hi, M.. My 12 yr old (he'll be 13 in Nov), has his costume picked out already. One way he "get to" trick-or-treat as an older kid is by taking his younger sibs to the doors. My oldest son (15 1/2) wanted to go around last year, so he and a couple friends dressed up but were not allowed to go until later - as a mom giving out candy, I have no problem with trick-or-treating teens, as long as the little kids get first shot at the candy. Have fun!!



answers from Los Angeles on

My teenagers still dress up and go around for fun. as long as they are respectful to our neighbors i don't mind. THey like to go around and just have fun. But if i had to put an age on it for purchasing an outfit i would say 14. after that they can make one up. Mine do.
Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun.
Take care



answers from San Diego on

11 is definitely not too old to trick or treat! That's just when it starts getting fun...let him go out and get his loot!



answers from Honolulu on

I'm sure I was older than twelve when I stopped trick or treating!! Hey, when I was older, I could go without a parent and cover WAYYYY more ground with my friends - some of us even rode bikes to get to more places! For me, if a kid is older and they are still trick or treating, then the costume had better be good. If they just wear a baseball hat and say that they are a baseball player I say - "here, you get a box of raisins" but if they are totally decked in some homemade elaborate costume, then I give them snickers bars!! If he is still into it, go for it! Halloween is one of those holidays that some people just LOVE and this will extend into adulthood with elaborate parties and contests, etc. I say, keep it going because it is fun - you said your hubby dresses up, so he is setting the standard for "how old is too old", right?? Have a great Halloween!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi M. ~ I agree with the other ladies, 11 is not too old. We have kids in our neighborhood that are way into their teens knocking on our door and I love it. I never liked Halloween as a kid, of course we lived in nebraska and going out in your costume with rain boots and jackets was no fun, but as an adult, I love halloween. I love it that all the kids are dressed up and proud of the costumes they chose to wear. It's fun. Whether your sons go door to door or just hang with the neighbors in the cul de sac,it doesn't matter, the point is for them to have fun and they are never too old to do that. Have grandma put on a festive t-shirt and do something crazy with her makeup and perhaps she will get the halloween fever and change her mind about what is too old. Have fun with your sons choosing their costumes, this is exciting times.



answers from Los Angeles on

I live in a very kid-friendly neighborhood and we get kids in high school trick or treating. As long as they are nice and have fun, I don't think it really matters. Lord knows the little ones don't need the amount of candy they get as it is, so share with the older ones! Tell your son to go have fun.



answers from Las Vegas on

We quit trick or treating in the 6th grade. My neices and nephews have quit then, too. As for dressing up and enjoying the celebration--we still do it. Grandma needs to back off. When we get older kids (high schoolers) we still give them candy, though not nearly the amount we give the younger ones.--they can't stay out as late!
Wow, your neighborhood sounds great. Enjoy the party.

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