JFF - Spin off from Tracy K's Question Who Would Play Your Life Story

Updated on January 18, 2012
D.F. asks from New Braunfels, TX
14 answers

I need a stress free day. Light hearted and not serious.
Tracy K asked the other day about who you thought would play you in your life story.
I immediatly thought of Melissa McCarthy for myself.
She's is pretty, she is thick, and she is so sweet! I love her laugh. JUST LIKE ME!!!
So I cut and pasted a pic of her and myself. SURE ENOUGH! We do resemble each other!

Have you tried to put your own picture up next to your celebrity look alike to see what the resemblance is?? Try it!
Go take a look at my profile pic. It is me and Melissa. Twinkies?!! hahahahaha. Not exactly but with some TV magic, I think yes!
Blessings Mamapedia Momma's

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So What Happened?

Kristina M WOW! Great match!! You look alot alike! PRETTY!!

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answers from Milwaukee on

My husband said I looked like Tina Fey the other day. Not that I always do I just did at the time. So I guess I kind of look like her. He also says I have Brittney Spears' eyes. Tina Fey could play my life though.

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answers from Dallas on

You DO look alike! Pretty! :)

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answers from Chicago on

Ok, so I played too! Brooke Elliot vs me - this pic is old but this is the only photo shoot I have on this computer, my cut is more her length but natural curls unless I flat iron it.

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answers from Kansas City on

Love it! You do look alike!

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answers from New York on

I get either Reese Witherspoon or Kelly Rippa a lot- depending on the color of my hair at the time! I'll take either. Funny thing, I married a "ringer" for Ryan Phillipe... of course our marriage has lasted longer, but visually very similar.

I've never spliced a picture of us together, but if this day gets any more boring, I may give it a whirl!

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answers from Houston on

I've been told heather graham, uma Thurman and I actually think I look like a starlet of the past, Olivia de haviland, but when she was young

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answers from New York on

I miss Tracy question, but to reply to both:
Some people say I look like Salma Hayek, I don't see much similarity besides the hair, the eyebrows, the boobs, height, skin color, nationality...well maybe we do look a little a like, ha.
Only that she almost always looks all sexy and put together, and I almost look, like a SAHM with a traveling husband that is not super rich or owns a bunch of glamorous clothes stores.


If it is about how we are (no looks) I am totally like the wives on either I Love Lucy or Burns and Allen, haa!

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answers from San Antonio on

You two do look alike! Awesome.

I have NO idea who I look like. Curly hair AND glasses? Back when I was in college someone said I looked like Nicole Kidman .... but I think the only resemblance was the pale skin and my hair may have been dyed a slight red at the time. I dressed as Hermione Granger one Halloween (but she doesn't wear glasses). I honestly want to dress at Where's Waldo one year. I think I could easily pull it off if I found the right stripped shirt/hat.

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answers from Miami on

I was told years ago that I looked like Renee Zellweger - Jerry Maguire period. Def before she got very thin!! lol


answers from Dallas on

It took me a while, but I found a picture of Michelle Pfeiffer that looks like me. Although I have more of a Barbara Streisand nose. I don't have time to change my profile pic, but I looked at yours. It's hilarious. You do totoally look like her. I love that chick. She's so funny and cute and gutsy.


answers from Dallas on

Idk!! Look at my profile pic and see if I remind you of anyone?? Love yours!! Y'all really do look alike :) I've always been told me and Roseanne barr have the same personality! Ha ha ha ha
Don't think I favor any celebs though ....


answers from Jacksonville on

No, I haven't tried it. I honestly don't think there is an actress out there that looks like me. We had this conversation, a group of friends and me, and they couldn't think of anyone who looks like me either! LOL


answers from Philadelphia on

I have no idea im bad with celebrity names and faces someone told M. last week the girl from twilight, i have no idea who they were talking about



answers from Seattle on

Tiffani-Amber Thiessen and my husband's coworkers call me Carmen Electra..they're both pretty so I'll take it!

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