Laundering White Baseball Pants

Updated on April 28, 2009
K.P. asks from Hamilton, OH
21 answers

Hi.I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions, or could offer some advice, on how to clean white baseball pants. I use bleach when I wash them. I have tried different things, but currently I am using dish soap to scrub the stains prior to laundering. I also use Biz when I wash them. Any ideas on what works better for scrubbing the stains, and to add to the water to help get the dirt and stains out? Any ideas on what to use to pre-soak? I was thinking that I would soak them in something after he is done wearing them, until I am ready to wash them. Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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answers from Cleveland on

I swear by Simple Green for any of my stains. I spray it on full strength then either throw the clothes in a bucket to soak until ready to wash or directly in the washer if I catch a stain while sorting the laundry. It's "earth friendly" too.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Cincinnati on

Try baking soda, it is cheap, non-toxic, and all you need to do is rub it on with a wet toothbrush and let them sit until laundry time.


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answers from Canton on

Have you tried Oxi-Clean? I believe that is what my mom always used for my brothers baseball pants.



answers from Youngstown on

Use toothpaste on stains before washing them, IT WORKS!!!!



answers from Cleveland on

Hi, K.! First of all, who thought white pants were a good idea for baseball?! From an experienced mom of football and baseball players with white pants, I say go for the Oxyclean. I use the off brand and it's just fine. I will most certainly try and rinse out as much dirt and mud as I can before I even consider putting it in the washer. Then I will spray the area, then sprinkle the dry Oxyclean on the stain. If it's really bad, I will let it sit there for a couple days or soak it in a bucket of Oxyclean water. I try and hand scrub most of it out, then re-spray it, put more Oxyclean in the washer and throw it in. I don't tend to use bleach all the time, because the fabric tends to turn a yellow color. Sometimes, it just plain won't come out. Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

Hi. I use Spray & everytime. No scrubbing needed.



answers from Cleveland on

Hi K., I have been using Shaklee laundry products for over 20 years, I loved them so much I started to sell them, don't know if you have heard of them? I LOVE the laundry liquid (and powder) and I use Nature Bright for whites and stains. My husband does remodeling and his clothes can be really bad -- when my 2 boys were babies I used cloth diapers , they were as white as anyone who was using bleach. the products are GREEN -- safe and chemical free. Check out my website
you can contact me directly through the site with any quesitons --D.



answers from Evansville on

I have always used dishwasher detergent and it works the best of anything I have found. I scrub it into the stains after the game and let it sit for a couples hours, then wash. Good luck!



answers from Muncie on

Try soaking them overnight in Oxi Clean!



answers from South Bend on

The thing that I found worked the best was Shout with the scrubber on the end. I would scrub it into the stains and then let it sit to soak in before washing. Hope it works for you!



answers from Cincinnati on

I would spray them as soon as we got home with Shout or other stain remover. Let them sit for a 1/2 hour or so and wash. I use Tide detergent. You could also add Oxy Clean to the wash.



answers from Indianapolis on

Non-chemical, enzyme based IMMACU-10. You CANNOT get this in stores. I use it on EVERYTHING. I've taken out permanent black ink from a white sweatshirt. It took a little work, but it worked. Where do you live?



answers from Indianapolis on

OxiClean products work great on grass stains and lessen the scrubbing by a lot.


answers from Cincinnati on

Hi K.!

I LOOOOOOVE Resolve Spray n Wash. It really does work as well as they show on the commercials. Spray it. It will sit for a minute. Wash it. It's beautiful! Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

My son also has to wear white...other moms from the team suggested using Cascade first...scrub it in with a scrub brush and let sit for a bit then rinse



answers from Toledo on

Cascade dishwashing powder and Clorox 2 powder for colors. Soak in HOT water for at least an hour then wash as you normally will. My son always complained he had the whitest pants on the football team. This concoction will get out ANYTHING! GOOD LUCK!



answers from Indianapolis on

Hang them outside in the sun to dry. I do not know why this works but it does. I used with both my kids playing ball.



answers from Cincinnati on

My mother-in-law always got her son's football uniform clean and white by soaking it overnight in Biz and then washing it in Wisk. I tried it when my daughters clothes got stains on them and it worked well.



answers from Cleveland on

Mela Power from Melaleuca Will do the trick It even got car grease out of my sons white tee shirt and khaki Shorts Let me know if you want more info



answers from Cincinnati on

I always double wash whites. Once in cold to loosen anything up and then in hot. I use Arm & Hammer laundry soap, and bleach.

I also think the oxi clean is good. I use this a lot, too.

And, I guess there is something to the sun thing. I was at a playgroup a couple of weeks ago, and there was a woman who said she couldn't wait for the weather to clear so she could hang diapers out to dry and she could get rid of the stains that accumualted over winter.



answers from Dayton on

Hi K.,
I'm feeling for you, I've had many years of white or light grey pants w/ baseball and football. I have found that the detergent Era works great for grass stains,and as a pre-treater. I have also soaked in OxiClean for a few hours or over night for the bad stains. Then wash then with the Era and Biz, there's always a bottle of Spray and Wash around here, I'm sure I've used it before too.
The Cascade is great for any white clothes, but I would think if you would continually use it over and over in the same area that the bleach would break down the fabric.
Best of luck! :-)

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