Looking for Maternity Clothes....

Updated on January 23, 2008
C.M. asks from Leonard, MI
7 answers

Hi! I live in North Oakland County and I am looking for a place to buy plus-sized maternity clothes. I don't really want to spend a fortune, but I need some things for work and play. Does anybody have any suggestions? I have looked online, but I am a little leery, as I have no idea what might actually fit! Thanks!

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answers from Detroit on

Try Motherhood Maternity. They have one at Great Lakes Crossing and they have a plus size section. They are affordable. Also try Target. They have a nice selection of maternity clothes and possibly some plus sizes.



answers from Detroit on

Sometimes you can find stuff at a Salvation Army Thrift Shop. There's also the Mom-to-Mom sales (I'm not sure where to find those at, though) and then you have Freecycle. You can normally get some really good stuff there for free. You can get to Freecycle by going to www.freecycle.org. Then follow the links to find the group closest to you. If you let me know where you're at I might be able to give you direct links to your local groups. Congrats on your marriage and pregnancy! Enjoy it! S.



answers from Detroit on

I'd try mother hood maternity and buy some things to see what size you need. Then, I'd look around on ebay! I bought lots of my maternity clothes on there, great prices! The most the stuff could be worn for is 9 months :) Also try craigslist.org search maternity and see what pops up



answers from Detroit on

Try the motherhood maternity in Somerset Mall- its kind of hidden in the back of Mimi maternity.



answers from Detroit on

Motherhood maternity in the Great Lakes Crossing mall always has plus sized maternity clothes on the clearance rack. Also Macy's marks down their maternity clothes every Tuesday, at least the one at the Summit Place Mall does, so that might be a good place to look. Congratulations!



answers from Detroit on

I went to Motherhood Maternity in Great Lakes Crossing. The first time I went I thought it was going to be very expensive but I needed something to wear. I was very surprised how inexpensive it was.
They have a plus-size section. It’s not an enormous selection but, I ended up getting almost all of my maternity clothing from them.
I also got a lot of my clothing from Kohl’s.
And not all of my clothing was maternity. I would just buy bigger sizes of the regular clothing.
I think Lane Bryant also has maternity clothing.



answers from Detroit on

My sister is a plus sized mom-to-be and she has been buying her clothes at JCPenny and she said she was able to buy some online and some at the store itself (she shopped the clearance section and got some great deals)....also she found some at Motherhood Maternity because some of their stores do carry plus size clothes.....good luck!

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