Need a Really Good Pediatrician

Updated on October 11, 2009
R.H. asks from McKinney, TX
7 answers

We are looking into switching pediatricians after the second opinion of my ENT. I am not getting the care that my daughter needs from the current pediatrician. My request is for a really good Pediatrician who will listen, and diagnose her correctly not just guess and even prescribed the incorrect antibiotic for sinus infections, etc. My daughter has been sick currently now for 6 weeks with a bad cough. We went to doctor, took antibiotic did not work and was told go see someone else. Saw ENT, then after 3 weeks seeing them, said needed sinus surgery. Saw a second opinion ENT, his diagnoses different. Take the right antibiotic for 4 weeks and acid reflux meds and nose spray and come back in 2 weeks. Still not better but only been taking new meds for 4 days. I think all in all will end up in surgery. Need a pediatrician who is the best, proactive, cares and does not think that kids getting sick 10 -12 times a year is normal. Any in MCkinney/Allen area and possibly graduated from UT southwestern would be good.

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answers from Dallas on

I love Catherine Frank, she is at Pediatric Healthcare Associates in Mckinney, off of Eldorado. My son has a lot of sinus issues, caused by allergies. She is great and the staff is amazing.
Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi R.!

I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is having to suffer because of the wrong diagnoses!!! Hugs to you and her!!

We LOVE our pediatrician. We use Amber Holifield, who is a PA under Dr. Yuri Cook at Raintree Pediatrics. My daughter has also been seen by Dr. Kimberly Smith and the NP Sabrina. I highly recommend their practice. They are located in Allen. Good luck!!



answers from Dallas on

I second Raintree Pediatrics. I have seen Dr. Yuri Cook who is great, and I typically see Sabrina (N.P), who is wonderful. They really take the time to listen to me and I never get the feeling like I'm being rushed or dismissed in my feelings. They always answer all my questions honestly. I have a friend that uses them as well and she saw Dr. Kim Smith and loved her. Check out their website, They have a meet the doctor night where you can go and talk to the doctors and check out the office. I don't know if they get backed up in the afternoon, but I usually go in the morning and have never had to wait to be seen, even on a Saturday when they were squeezing me in.



answers from Dallas on

Can't help with suggesting a ped, but you might want to check for foods that make her react with excess mucous production. I know that Wendy's Frosties make me cough and clear my throat for 15 minutes after I have one.

You might also want to check out rinsing her nose before bedtime with a saline solution using a Neti pot or NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle. (Some people prefer the Neti pot to the bottle especially with kids)

You can look up both on the internet to figure out what they are. They just treat the symptoms that's why I also suggested experimenting with the food.

You could also take her to an allergy specialist and find out if she's allergic to environmental stuff.

Good luck finding a good ped dr!



answers from Dallas on

Centennial Pediatrics is awesome!!! We see Dr. Gutersloh and I love him...I also like the other doctors in the office as well. Dr. Weisser is taking new patients and my son and I absolutley love her.



answers from Dallas on

Give Dr Debroah Bain a try@ healthy kid pediatrics. She is in frisco and you can look her up on the web. She is great!



answers from Dallas on

We take our 17 month old son to Raintree Pediatrics in Allen. He sees Amber Holifiedld, P.A. He also had reflux for 12 months and tubes put in at 6 months. She doesn't fool around with your child not being well, and she also listens to our concerns and researches alternatives for us.
FYI, Dr. Neelish Mehendele(Mckinney, frisco) is his ENT, and we think he's great.

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