Ocean (The Movie)

Updated on May 15, 2010
E.N. asks from Chicago, IL
9 answers

Has anyone seen the movie Ocean yet? I'm debating on taking my 3 year old. I'm probably going to send my husband to see it before we take her, but I thought I'd ask you Mommas first. My daughter has never been to the movies so the last thing I want to do is scare her.


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answers from Chicago on

We did see the movie and I was shocked that the theater was full of young children. I wouldn't have thought to take my younger children but I have a daughter who is older so I took her. The movie was nowhere near as graphic as the Planet Earth movies. I don't think the young children even realized when a death happened because there was no blood shown. One minute an animal was there & then it was gone. The young children seemed very interested in the movie at first, especially when they showed the clown fish because they all thought it was Nemo. Toward the end some were getting restless and one parent near us left early. In some ways though it is a good movie to take young children to and get them used to the theater atmosphere. There was not a lot of narration in the movie so when the children were talking they were not disrupting others or preventing them from hearing the movie. I didn't see anyone get upset with all the talking, up & down in the seats, trips to the bathroom, etc. with the young children. Hope you enjoy it if you decide to go!

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answers from Madison on

I took my 4 and 6 year old last week. It is a very tame movie that doesn't show anything violent. It is done as a documentary, so if she enjoys sea creatures she may be into it. Otherwise she may be bored as it is not very exciting.



answers from Chicago on

I don't recommend it. Many preschool children left 20-30 into the movie. It's beautiful, but pretty dry. There were a few scenes with the sharks that I don't think the little ones liked. Rent it and that way you can fast forward or let her walk away.



answers from Chicago on

For this and future movies (tv, books and video games too), check out:


I LOVE this site, and use it for my 3 yo all the time. They give descriptions, age recommendations, positive messages and areas to look out for (violence, sex, language, drugs, consumerism). Good job thinking ahead and looking out for you daughter!



answers from Provo on

I saw it with my 15 year old son and it is a beautiful movie. It is documentary style and my 6 year old son would have never made it through (even with popcorn!!)



answers from Chicago on

My 2 1/2 year old son was bored, not scared. It was not very exciting and the the colors were dull. He went with my mom and they ending up leaving with 20 minutes left. There were sharks, but my mom said they were not at all scary.



answers from New York on

We saw it with my almost 3 year old, and she loved it.

It's documentary style, so it may be boring for some kids who are used to the bangs/booms/cartoons type stuff, but we watch the nature channel so I think our daughter knew what to expect.

If you think lots of questions will be asked "what's that, what's that whale doing!" than try going in the afternoon - that's what we did and it was virtually empty and it was a nice hour



answers from New York on

My 7 year old went with my mom. He LOVED it. But he is a sea creature freak. He watches Planet Earth, National Geo whenever there is a sea creature episode. My mom said it was beautiful but she noted the younger kids squirming and some parents leaving. The movie is also offered in 3-D at Imax theatres, my mom and son said they thought that would be too intense as the movie was so in your face with the regular version.



answers from Chicago on

I took my 8 & 5 year olds to see the movie. The 5 y/o got bored after a while. I enjoyed watching it with them. Beautiful film!

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