Pcos - Cherryville,MO

Updated on March 25, 2010
S.J. asks from Cherryville, MO
6 answers

Any moms out there with PCOS? I was diagnosed at 18 - that was when my periods became irregular. I have one child, and I am hoping to have another, but I am getting discouraged. I have always been healthy and a good weight. We have been trying for 3 months now to get pregnant and while that isn't that long, I am starting to worry.

I am currently taking metformin. I was also taking it when I had my first child.

I used to be able to get my period to come regularly by taking vit E and vit B6, but even that isn't working now.

Any support, treatment stories and pregnancy stories are welcomed! Private message or post.

Thanks moms!

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answers from Houston on

Hi S.,

I went through 2 miscarriages before I was diagnosed with PCOS. I also got on metformin and now have a 3 year old little girl. Have you tried clomid? I got pregnant my first cycle. I wouldn't start to worry yet. 3 months is not even long for people without PCOS. I would give it a few more months and then go talk to your daughter. Good luck and I am sending blessings your way.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Minneapolis on

Was on BCP for 10 years, decided to start trying and about 3 years into that saw a specialist. Had laproscopy surgery to check everything (polyps and endometriosis removed) and found I have a heart shaped uterus. Tried another 3 years. Found a new doctor, diagnosed with PCOS and put on metformin. Three months later, pregnant with our first miracle baby!

Had a c-section and told not to try again until 9 months post-op. Then we tried again for a year while I was on metformin. Then bingo, pregnant again with miracle baby #2 (due next month).

You found what it takes to make one baby, now be patient and let your body do what it has to do. I know, not easy!!!! :) It took me longer with baby #2. I also realized after tracking my cycles that I only ovulate on my left side and not my right. Both babies lived on only my left side of my womb (due to ovulation on the left side and the piece of skin that separates my uterus into 2 sections). I also got pregnant with both when I stopped trying to get pregnant. We were 3/4 finished with the adoption process with the first and I started a full time job (that I later quit) when I became pregnant with number 2.

It can happen, do what you are supposed to via doctor's orders and take your mind off it. Again, easier said than done. :) BEST WISHES!!!!



answers from Salt Lake City on

PCOS causes so many things, insulin resistance/high blood sugar and infertility are common. I have 3 children. My children are 11, 8 and 4. Big age differences but I wouldn't trade any of it-not even the infertility-I think it makes me appreciate them more. Took clomid for 8 months before getting pg with #1 after 4 years of trying. Also had a laperoscopy done before getting pg. Found out, after the baby was born I had gestational diabetes. When trying for baby #2, did another lap and found out later I was already pg. Did the diabetes test and started shots. After the baby was born, sugar did not go down. Took met for 2 years. After a while it wasn't keeping my blood sugar low enough so my Dr. added Amaryl. For 4 months I had regular periods for the first time in my life. Then they stopped. I figured I was back to my regular schedule of haphazard periods. One day (about 3 months later) I went to the bathroom and felt a clump pass. I thought about it later and thoughted maybe I'd had a miscarriage-that's how I found out I was pg with baby #3. After baby was born, met was no longer helping so now I am on shots. See about getting some clomid or seraphine (have taken them both-they both work).



answers from Chicago on

I had my first child on my first cycle off bcp- no idea I had pcos because I was on bcp for 10 years!! Kept trying and trying to get preg with #2...finally went in for a blood test and found out about my pcos. Got pregnant on cycle 1 on of metformin and clomid- twins!!! DUE Aug 2. I also took Shaklee"s multivitamin, vitmain B, and GLA- highly recc.



answers from Jacksonville on

I was diagnosed about 3-4 years ago. By the time they diagnosed me with I was a full fledged type 2 Diabetic.
We have wanted a baby for nine years. Not so much trying anymore as not, not trying. We came to the place where if it happened, it happened.
Well, it happened. Around September/October of last year. We did not find out until Christmas. LOL
The high risk counselor told me that it was because my blood sugars were elevated that we had so many problems.
My Dr. upped my Metformin and Glimipride in August to try to get my BS under better control and by the beginning of October we were pregnant.
Shock and awe! :) We are so excited. I'd never heard that about BS though. Even through the years we were actively trying.
With PCOS sometimes your BS can be elevated no matter what your weight or diet. Have you had that checked?



answers from Kansas City on

I also was diagnosed at 18 with PCOS. Right before I got pregnant, I had been on compounded hormones. Have you had your hormones checked? I was very high in testosterone and low in progesterone and estrogen. The progesterone is very important in pregnancy and with low levels it can't be sustained. I would suggest that first. Most insurance plans don't cover them though and it's about $95 a month. Good luck!!

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