Poll - Would You Buy 'Homemade' Fresh Baby Food?

Updated on August 27, 2011
M.P. asks from Portland, OR
29 answers

When my son was a baby, I made all of his baby food from scratch. I have been thinking about starting a business where I make organic, preservative free, fresh baby food that I would deliver to your home. The organic baby food in the stores is very pricy & still contains preservatives. There is no other business like it here in town. However, I just have no idea if anyone would buy it. My friends say yes, but they are my friends! I'm just curious what you ladies out there think - would you try it for your baby? I would appreciate your opinion even if your kids are older (or younger).

* I just wanted to add after reading the first few comments, that it would be a professional operation, the food made to health codes in a commercial kitchen - I'm a caterer by profession.

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answers from Portland on

My first response was no, as I envisioned someone in their home kitchen with a blender and no health code enforcement, LOL

But as I read that it would be in a commercial kitchen with health codes in place, I now would vote Yes :)

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answers from Boston on

No - it was so easy to make and that was the point - knowing where her food came form at each step. I enjoyed making the food. Although in a pinch I might have...

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answers from Chicago on

I would be interested, but I probably wouldn't buy from someone who I don't know. I would be worried about bacteria and shelf-life of preservative free, homemade products.

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answers from Dallas on

Unless it was from a code compliant, commercial zoned kitchen, batch inspected food, with legit business with tax numbers and certificates, no.
If all those things were met and exceeded, yes.

In response to your "what happened:" I probably would.

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answers from Seattle on

I wouldn't. I just fed my son what I ate.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Sorry, I wouldn't. Food that is sold must come from a facility that has been inspected and certified by the health department. Just because you say your food preparation techniques are clean and sanitary doesn't make it so.

Kids can't even take cookies or birthday cake in the schools anymore that isn't hermetically sealed from the store. They just can't take a chance on the food being bad or tampered with.

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answers from Kansas City on

Quite honestly, no... very much for the same reasons as Bug. But since you are in a large city, it may go over well locally. Good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Pretty much for the same reasons below.
She ate a lot of what I ate, and proper precautions with food handling/hygiene is a concern.
It's a good idea though, maybe there's another way to achieve it?
Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Absolutely not. I would either make my own, or buy something that is guaranteed to be safe. I wouldn't risk it for any reason, even if I personally knew you.

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answers from Santa Fe on

Personally, I find it so easy to make my own homemade babyfood that no I would not really need to buy any. Except if I were traveling and then, yes, I would be interested in your product! But that would not happen all that often. Maybe moms who don't realize how darn easy it is to make it themselves would buy it from you. :)

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answers from Denver on

probably not. Sorry

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answers from Phoenix on

Yes, I would consider buying it, since you would be regulated & doing it the right way.

Not everyone has the time or desire or know how to make baby food, so I'm sure there is a market of busy moms that want to feed their babies well.

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answers from Seattle on

Nah, I wouldn't. It's just so easy and fast to make your own, I really would never again pay extra for pre-made baby food.


answers from San Antonio on

If I was a working mom, and your prices were better/equivalent to the store and not an inconvenience to buy, then YES I would buy your product.

If I were a SAHM (like I am/was with my baby) then NO, I would make it myself. I never bought Gerber foods with the exception of the pear/blueberry fruits, which were easier and cheaper to buy than for me to make at the time.

I say it sounds great. Consider your packaging. Snack-sized ziplocks are easy, but not quite very professional-looking. Tupperwares might be great, but expensive. Jars great, but expensive. Perhaps consider a 'buy back' with the jars, for example Your first batch of 6 jars costs $10, but your second batch, if you bring the jars back, only costs $6. Whatever works for your prices. My numbers are just for example.



answers from Seattle on

personally, I wouldn't buy it because i think it is really easy to make baby food...and with the amount of organic stuff available in stores, I think that people who don't make their own would continue to buy...I think it's a good idea, just not sure too many people would be interested...or that it would really be cost effective for you or buyers.


answers from Kansas City on

No, not unless I knew you personally.



answers from Kansas City on


I am much to protective of the little ones in my care. You just cannot be too careful!!!



answers from Seattle on

My kids are too old for baby food now. But if I had to do it over again I would buy the organic fresh stuff. I usually made my own or bought Earth's Best-but that is because the fresh organic stuff was expensive in my area. If you could do it at an affordable price, I bet you would get customers!



answers from Atlanta on

Seeing what you added -yes -from a professional caterer/chef with a professional, licensed kitchen, a business license and a member of the Better Business Bureau. We have several "cottage" industries like that here in our neighborhood where professional chefs send out menus every weekend and you can order fresh, pre-made gourmet meals delivered to your door the next week. This reminds me of that, so as long as you have your "papers" in order and get inspected regularly -sounds great to me!


answers from Austin on

You would need to find the right clients. Professionals with not much time. I have some clients that are never hurting, no matter the economy.. They become a little thrifty but still eat out, order in a lot.. These parents are who you are looking for.. I think here on mamapedia we are a bit more hands on and pretty thrifty..

I know there are a few people here in town that offer full meals. You order them week by week. She mails out the order form with the next weeks choices of meals. They are Organic and delivered fresh or frozen to your door.. You could consider something like this but with baby food, and toddler foods.

I agree that I fed our child what we ate Or just made our own baby food.. It is just so easy.. But we also had time..

I also wonder if Whole foods would be interested.. Frozen cubes of all natural baby food.. sounds right up their alley. Packaging.. will be the key.. .

My sister used to be the assistant to the Gentleman in charge of new products. They see thousands a year..


answers from Lynchburg on

Hi M.-

For me...I would NOT. My guys were little ones years ago (youngest ones are now 14)...but even then...with my trusty blender...or my 'hand grinder'...I bought very few 'baby' foods. I 'blended' what the rest of us were having...and froze in ice cube trays...

I found any 'baby' food (other than what I made) very pricey!

Now it seems there are even MORE items to help one make baby food...

Just my opinion!

Best Luck!



answers from Honolulu on


A woman I think in my city, does that.
I don't see it on the shelves, locally though.
Don't know where her product is.



answers from Fresno on

no it is easy enough to make yourself and my second sons olny ate baby food for a very short time. He wanted what we ate. It does sound like a good business idea just not something i would buy.



answers from Houston on

No because it's much cheaper to make my own, but that's not say clients aren't out there.


answers from Orlando on

Sorry no :( I made my sons and will do the same with this baby. I liked doing it and the money it saved.



answers from San Francisco on

I love your idea, but for me--I wouldn't buy it. I enjoy making my own and I would still worry about contamination and health and safety issues coming from someone's kitchen. I know you said you would do a professional kitchen--but for me, I wouldn't. GL




answers from Albuquerque on

Probably not unless I knew you, or knew someone who knew you and vouched that your kitchen was clean.


answers from New York on

I did buy baby food when my were little. so maybe. I would have to be convinced that your kitchen was sanitary and no threat of contamination.... so maybe if I knew you personally



answers from Chicago on

No, I guess I just don't trust home-made stuff like that. Plus, it's so easy to make it yourself. Steam some veggies (organic if you like) put them in a blender, add a little water if necessary to get the right consistency and store in the fridge for a couple days. Easy.


answers from Gainesville on

i dont even trust whats on the shelves these days, either. It all smells so discusting

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