Seeking a Family Doctor in the Metro Detroit Area

Updated on July 19, 2010
L.M. asks from Sterling Heights, MI
4 answers

I live in Sterling Heights and I am looking for a family doctor. Can someone please recommend a family doctor? Thanks

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answers from Detroit on

I go to Dr. Neuman on Van Dyke in the Plumbrook Medical Center. I havent' gone there very long myself but so far it hasn't been bad. I have 3 boys and me that go there because I wanted everyone to go tot he same doctor and he works out of a hospital that is close to us (Troy Beaumont). I switched to him after I had a bad experince with a doctor in Waterford. Office gets us in for emergenies quickly. I mostly see the PA but she consults him on everything and comes to see for himself on some things.


answers from Detroit on

i was using Henry Ford health system but was not satisfied at all. so i switched over to DMC. and i must say that they have made great strides in improving over the last 5 years. I go to the pediatric clinic in childrens hospital. good luck



answers from Detroit on

The doctor's and PA's at the Family Doctor in Clinton Township are great.

They are located at the corner of Metro Parkway and Utica Road.



answers from Detroit on

Associates of Family Medicine
17101 South Blvd East Sutie 240
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48307
(they are located right by Troy Beaumont Hospital)

Drs. Buchanan, Nichols, Ortwine, Raffin, Nelson, and Copeland
Raffin and Nelson are both women, the others are men.

My family has been going to this practice for 5 years now and are very happy with them. We primarily see Dr. Raffin. My husband, myself, both my daughters (3 and 10 months) my sister, and my MIL and FIL all go to this practice.

A friend of mine sees Dr. Nelson and has been very happy with her as well. We have seen others in the practice periodically and have been happy with them as well. It is a great practice.

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