
Updated on August 19, 2007
C.M. asks from Cypress, TX
10 answers

Hello everybody, i have a problem, my one year old son has 8 teeth and he is teething but that is not the problem the problem is that he grinds his teeth all the time and it's bad for his teeth and it sound terrible. Please help me what can i do?

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answers from Beaumont on

I have that problem with my daughter. I cut back on her sugar intake and I don't allow her to have any thing to drink with sugar in it before she goes to bed. It has worked so far. Hope it works for you.

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answers from Houston on

I am a mother of two boys 4 1/2 and 10Mths. First off Don't worry about it being pin worms it is most likely NOT. Its just something new for him so his not use to it and now that he found he could make this new sound he wants to. My baby Boy is going through the same thing right now and hes only on his 4th tooth.
I agree with distracting and giving him somthing to chew on because thats all they want to do the sound is horrible I don't know about you but i just can't stand it ugh! But trust be he will grow out of it soon My oldest whent through the same thing but all his teeth came in so fast he had a mouth full by the time he was one. Don't worry about it. Prerpare your self for the biting stage because once the teeth are all there thell test them out. This is wear the disciplining starts. I talked to my oldest son about how much it hurt to bite and how it was'nt nice and so on. This usually starts around 1 1/2 or two but if your luckly it might not at all. And that will stop too.Well good Luck and Don't worry it will Pass.



answers from Houston on

It's normal. Most toddlers will grind their teeth after they've got the first 4 on top and bottom. Just stop him when you hear it and be patient. He'll grow out of that annoying little habit in a couple weeks.



answers from Houston on

My daughter did this when she was teething and her Pediatrician told us to give her wash cloth damp with warm water and encourage her to chew on that instead. It really helped and after the teeth came in she hasn't been grinding again.
Good Luck!



answers from Beaumont on

I know exactly how you feel. My dauther is almost 6 and she grinds her teeth, to make it worse she still is sneaking in bed with us at nignt and it wakes me up. I talked to her pediatrician (she also has night terrors and sleep walks) and he said to talk to the dentist. I have just waited since they are baby teeth. I have a appointment next month for the the dentist though. I have heard they have a mouth guard that the child can wear. Good luck...i know you pain....and hearing hurts....




answers from Houston on

My daughter did this around that age as well. I think she just figured out that she could make a new sound. I wouldn't worry too much about it. These are his baby teeth and he will lose them eventually anyway. My daughter stopped on her own after a couple of weeks (once the sound wasn't new anymore). In the meantime, just try to distract him with something else when he is doing it. Maybe give him something else to chew on or play a game that will get him laughing or talking. If it continues and you are concerned, you can talk to his pediatrician, but I think he will be fine.

Good Luck!



answers from Longview on

You got lots of good advice. I gave mine a pacifier. They are thumb suckers, but they chewed on the paci during teething. ;-)



answers from Houston on

Hello C.! My daughter used to do that too... everytime she would do it I would tell her No, and then redirect her to something else. It is an awful noise, aside from the physical problems it COULD cause (I don't think its that serious). Good luck!



answers from Houston on

If I was so concerned about his tooth health I would go ahead and take him in to the dentist. I'm not sure where you live, but I recomend Dr.s trailor and Trippie here in Baytwon.



answers from Houston on

I would call his pediatrician and ask them the procedure to check for pin worms. It is very common for children with pin worms to grind their teeth for some reason. It does not always mean they have them but its better to check it out. You may need to distract him when he does that. Try to get him interested in something he likes when he grinds and say "It's not good to grind our teeth". I know he may not understand just yet but he needs to be used to taking direction from you in a quiet manner at a young age. Later that will come in handy, believe me.
Good luck and I hope its not pin worms!!!

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