What Would You Do? - Richmond,VA

Updated on June 14, 2011
R.D. asks from Richmond, VA
20 answers

I had strep throat. Now, the baby has it. Wedding is Saturday. Do I take the other 2 kids to the pediatrician? Or wait it out?

What would you do?

I'm lysoling the HECK out of my house right now...


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So What Happened?

I gave the girls a thorough exam (myself)... yeah, they're SO not sick. So I've lysoled everything (twice), strategically placed purell through out the house, and given the girls strict instructions to stay away from the babies face!! I am the biggest germophobe, but I'm also the queen of quarantine. The baby won't be contagious after today, so these preventative measures should stop the ick at him... NO MORE GERMS!!!!

I know you can't REALLY know about strep without a throat culture, but I know what else to look for and the girls are really, really not sick, not even a little. I think we're good. Now, if only I can get my guy to take some vitamin C, just in case ;)

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answers from Indianapolis on

Why waste the money taking the other kids if they have no symptoms. Most docs (who are worth anything) aren't going to treat kids unless they are symptomatic.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I'd be checking their throats a couple times a day, but I wouldn't take them to the doctor. Our ped refuses to put a kid on meds who isnt' sick, and I agree with him. My daughter almost never has gotten sick when I have, and we even co-slept the whole time.

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answers from Boston on

My #4 daughter used to be a strep magnet as a kid (pretty much, if you said "strep throat" she'd come down with it!). Whenever she tested positive, the doctor used to culture the other 3 kids & ask my husband & I to get tested also. Strep can be so "quiet" in some and yet cause others so much difficulty. Sometimes, one or another of the other kids would have it; sometimes, no one else.

Get 'em checked. It's easy, painless and a good preventative measure.

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answers from Hartford on

Wait it out. The other two kids might not get it, although they could be carriers. Typical incubation is three days.

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answers from Chicago on

If it is strep, go to the doctor. Untreated, in some cases, it can lead to scarlet fever (you know a nice red itchy rash all over the body...something you don't want at your wedding).

Take them.

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answers from Chicago on

I would take them. I'd even ask for them to be put on the antiobiotics as a precaution just this once since your wedding is on Saturday. Maybe the doc will agree. Best wishes!

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answers from Fargo on

Take the whole fam to the doctor. If two of you have it, most likely the other kids have it too. I'm so sorry!
I hope it's clear sailing for you after this!

Edit* R., the reason that I suggest taking the kids to the doc, is that strep often doesn't present with any symptoms. My friend has 5 kids and her littlest had a sore throat and fever and she took him in and he ended up positive for strep. My friend had the rest of the family tested on the recommendation of a neighbor who had the same situation and ALL FOUR KIDS, plus my friend all tested positive for strep with no symptoms.
I really hope your other two don't have it, and chances are, if they didn't get the strep that's in your house, they won't pick anything up from the dr.'s office either.
Best of luck!!!!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I 2nd the taking everyone to the Doctor.

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answers from San Francisco on

If the other two aren't sick why take them to the pediatrician? Keep them in as healthy of a routine as possible with everything going on. Make sure they get rest, get fresh air, drink lots of water and are washing their hands frequently VERY frequently. I'm not sure what the pediatrician can do for you if they aren't sick yet other than you might be exposed to more in the waiting room potentially ensuring you are all sick on Saturday. All the best!

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answers from Kalamazoo on

The last two times it came over to our house, just my daughter and I got it. Hubby and son never did- -or at least never had symptoms.

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answers from Dallas on

I wouldn't. My daughter gets strep all the time my son doesn't get it from her. Id just take care of y'all for now and give those vitamins!

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answers from Lansing on

My daughter was exposed so many times this year with strep throat at school. One of them being her best friend who not only had it once but twice. She never got it.

I would wait it out....maybe they won't catch it. I think taking them now before any symptoms would just be a waist of time.

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answers from Biloxi on

My son used to get strep every fall - from like 1 year old to 13 years old. No matter how careful I was about not sharing drinks, washing hands, etc. 1/2 the time I would get it also.

So, I say, the wedding is Saturday - why chance it. If you can spare the co-pay stop by the Dr. explain the situation and see what they say.

My Pediatrician has been known to write me a Rx for antibiotic just in case we needed it - especially if we were going into a holiday weekend and the office was going to be closed or if we were headed out of town for a few days. 1/2 the time I never filled it, but it was nice to have a backup plan.

Good Luck
God Bless

Don't forget to post us all a wedding pic!!!!

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answers from New York on

Oh no!!

I'd make a call to the pediatrician to see what he thinks. Chances are he won't put them on anything unless they are sick.

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answers from Louisville on

First question - will your pedi give a SHOT for strep?
If so - then have them seen on Thursday and have them tested - if positivie, get the shot and they won't be down for the wedding! (you might even be able to wait til Friday if they aren't seeming ill)

I know a lot of folks just get a script filled for it - UGH! - then you have the definite wait time before they are considered covered and not contagious to others - the shot covers this faster and that way you KNOW they got all the meds!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I agree with the first poster who said that they could have it with no symptoms. My great-nephew is like that--a carrier!

I'd probably wait it out but I might arrange back up for emergency babysitting. Ugh. Sorry. Some things are just like this to the last bitter end. Good luck!

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answers from Las Vegas on

I would take them to the doctor :/

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answers from Dallas on

Call the dr and see what they suggest. Hope you all are well and can go.

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answers from Tampa on

I'd take them to the Dr for prophylaxis antibiotics. Strep if untreated remains in the body and re-emerges as Rheumatoid Arthritis in older adults, as well as attacks the heart valves.

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