Work from Home - Scarsdale,NY

Updated on February 18, 2012
A.B. asks from Scarsdale, NY
11 answers

Hello Mammas,
I am hoping to hear from you all about positive work from home opportunities. Thanks so much in advance.

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answers from New York on

Just a heads-up of people trying to recruit you on here.

Oh, and if it sounds too good to be true, i.e. "Earn 10,000 a month" then it is!

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answers from Albuquerque on

Too broad. What can you do? What skills do you have? How much time do you want to commit to a job? What hours can you work? Will you have childcare for the times you're working? If you can answer those questions... you'll get much better answers.

It probably won't help you much to hear that I work full time from home as an analyst while my children go to preschool, and that the qualifications for my job are background in the contact center industry and an MBA. We need to know more about you and what you can and want to do!

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answers from Washington DC on


There are soo many scams out there. If you have to pay for it - you are being scammed.

There are many companies out there that are legit- I do believe you have to pay but it's for the use of their system not for training. I have not used it so I don't know for sure.

Companies that allow working from home is just that - WORKING - there is this strong misconception that you can keep the kids and still work - if you are doing customer support for people - they don't want to hear kids in the background.

So think long and hard about the opportunities and just what you are looking for - is it additional income or a business? there are several women on here who have MLM-direct sales businesses and they will be happy to talk to you about their business and what it can do for you.

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answers from St. Louis on

I agree with E S. on people trying to recruit you. I do know there are some jobs where you can work from home, but not many. Good luck.

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answers from Seattle on

I would say (without researching, just based off of observation) that most job FIELDS have jobs that can be worked from home. The exclusion would be public service positions (police, fire, military, etc.).

These are by and large positions that are not "gotten" but MADE.

For example; An accountant may go get a job. Or an accountant may work for themselves out of their home. A writer may go get a job, or a writer may employ themselves. A teacher may go get a job, or they may teach out of their home. A _________ may go get a job, or a ________ can work for themselves, and set it up so that they're working out of their home.

Telecommuting is another option that is possible, and almost strictly confined to those in certain industries (computer/programming industry, transcriptionists, etc.)

I find that when most people are searching for "work from home" positions, they are looking for/at "selling stuff" positions that require no education, training, or specializing. Ditto those that advertise them. These jobs are mostly scams, and legitimate ones are few and far between. HOWEVER, if you start looking in a certain field, the opportunities ABOUND.

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answers from Phoenix on



answers from New York on

I work from home - but it's the job I had before I was working from home. My boss allowed me to do this when I had my son, but I do make less money than I did before (also I work less hours). There are scenarios where this works but you have to be realistic. I only work when my son naps and my daughters are at school. There's some emails and stuff I do at night sometimes when they're in bed. I work about 12 - 15 hours a week total.

Be careful of scams, be careful of things you realistically won't be able to do.


answers from Dallas on

This type of question is posted often. You'll be hit up with all the MLM's, direct sales, pyramid's trying to sign you up on their team to get rich. Just remember no one gets rich quick and you never ever pay to be a part of some selling system.

Work is Work. Working at home is work.

If you have children at home, then your option to work at home diminishes unless you have a great relationship with your employer. Why? Because working from home takes self motivation and self discipline. Most employers, including myself would not hire someone working from home if children were in tow because it is critical that the job be done correctly and efficiently.

No employer wants to be conference calling and hear children or pets in the background. You would also need a separate area for your work at home as well as some sort of day care or hours where you can focus 100% of your time when you are on the job.

Think outside the box... sell your unwanted toys, clothes, electronics, etc on Ebay or craigslist, babysit, offer a service for families if you are qualified such as a licensed swim teacher, licensed teacher for tutoring, work at your child's school, etc.

Yes, I work from home running our company. It takes a huge amount of time, I am the one responsile for all payroll taxes, maintaining helath insurance,etc and making sure all reports are up to date with the government. Working at home is not as easy peasy as some may think,,, it takes a lot of dedication.

I hope you find something that works for you but please be aware that there are many recruiters on here that prey on posts like this to add to their MLM. If something costs you money... it is a scam.

Best wishes.



answers from New York on

I am not allowed to mention my company on this site. However, if you contact me at I will be more than happy to tell you abut a very exciting opportunity!!!! Best, I.



answers from Washington DC on

I should make a canned response for this.

I work from home. I do online customer service. I don't need a phone, just a good computer and a high-speed connection. I also do freelance tech writing, having had 7 years' experience and holding an English degree. I pay my own taxes, get no benefits, any days off are days I don't get paid. I can only do this with the support of my DH who has a good job with good benefits.

My DD is here, but if I had to be on a phone, it wouldn't work. If I have to work a really technical manual (I'm often learning on the fly), I work really weird hours when everyone else is in bed. I have to balance work and my daughter. She can't watch TV all day., and are all resources to find jobs, but you have to determine who is legit and who is worth your time for what they want to pay.

It's not impossible, but it's not always easy. Many WAH parents have a nanny or mother's helper or use daycare some of the time.



answers from Honolulu on

You have a child. Per your profile. And assume you are a SAHM.
I am too.

Do you want to work from home or just wanting to work while your child is at school? Because, those would be the options-
1) working from home or,
2) Working somewhere while your child is at school (thus it being part time).

Me- well I do things from home. Sell t-shirts I design. It is only pocket change. Residual income. Income fluctuates.

THEN, I also just recently, got a part time job, at my kids' school. I got lucky. So, While my kids are at school, I have a few hours of working there. The kids are happy. It works for me because I can still do home stuff, and then work there for a couple of hours everyday, and I get paid. It is menial pay, but pocket change. Which I need. So I took the job. Because Hubby does not help me.
And it makes me happy, because my kids told me they are SO thrilled, I will be working at their school and they won't have to go to after care after school. I can still be with them after school and pick them up.

So that was my solution.

You might want to query what positions are available at your daughter's school. That is what many SAHMs or Moms do. And then you will also be on the same school "schedule" as your child. Which is convenient for a Mom with a child or children in school.

Finding actual work from home "jobs"... takes TONS of research. And is hard to come by. Unless you do selling... of products etc. Then you need to spend and make an investment into it, to start off etc.
I searched a long time for work at home things. Many are scams.

The 3rd option would be:
Babysitting in your home.
I did this too, before I had my 2nd child.

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