Car Seats: Toddler, Bath Toys

Results 1-10 from 48 articles

Bath Toys

N.J. asks from Dayton

Does anyone know of some good bath toys for a one year old. She already has the squeaky ones and used to love them but now she is done playing with them. Also some su...


Flying with 20 Month Old

M.D. asks from Chicago

Hi- I am flying with my 20 month old next week. Do I need to put him in a car seat on the plane? Also, any ideas to keep him busy during the flight? He doesn'...


Toys for 12 Month Old

K.N. asks from Minneapolis

I have been asked to make a Christmas list for my daughter who by the time Christmas comes along will be 12 months. I am looking for ideas ... maybe your child had a ...


Adopting a Boy - What to Register for an (18 Month Old) Baby Shower

W.M. asks from Dallas

My husband will have the son we've been praying for in two months. Some friends from our church are wanting to throw us a shower - can you give me an idea of the "mus...


18 Month Old Won't Sit in the Tub

H.L. asks from New York

Hello Fellow Moms, Here's my question: My 18 month old daughter will not sit down in the tub; any thoughts/suggestions? It's been going on for maybe 2 months now, ...


What Do I Pack for a 10-Day Trip with a 3-Month Old?

P.C. asks from Savannah

We're flying so there's a tight limit on space; 2 suitcases weighing less than 50 lbs each plus my carry-on & his diaper bag. What extra stuff should I pack in his d...


Traveling'with Toddler

A.V. asks from Minneapolis

My almost 3 1/2 year old daughter and I will be traveling by plane for her 1st time. It will be just her and I (which makes me nervous) but I was wondering what you ...


Baby Shower Gift for a 3 Month Old ...

G.♣. asks from Springfield

I'm going to a baby shower for my husband's cousin and for her brother's girlfriend whose baby is already 3 months old. The grandma is hosting the shower - didn't wa...


Traveling by Plane with 8 Month Old

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mommies, I have a beautiful baby girl who will be flying for the first time in late October. It's a cross country flight with one layover. Any suggestions on ...


Need Some Tips on Trimming My 9 Month Old's Fingernails

J.M. asks from Boston

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make trimming my 9 month old daughter's finger nails easier on both of us? They seem to grow so quickly, and it's difficult to k...