Dental: Lauren

Results 1-10 from 13 articles

Can You Recommend a Dentist Anywhere?

M.F. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone can recommend a dentist. Either a pediatric dentist or a family dentist and I don't care where the person is located. I just ne...


Pediatric Dentists?

W.S. asks from Miami

It's time for my son to have his first dental visit, and our pediatrician strongly recommends a pediatric dentist over a family dentist. The problem I've having is...


Frenectomy or Not?

J.D. asks from Dallas

Please help me Mommas! My 10 year old son's orthodontist has recommended a frenectomy. (this is the tissue that connects the lip to the gums. The ortho has said if...


Help with Frenum (That Muscle Between Two Front Teeth) Experience

T.W. asks from New York

My son just went to his first dentist appointment (yes a little late). His teeth are great, no problems however, he does have a large frenum. When he was born I knew ...


1St Dental Visit

K.L. asks from Savannah

How old were your kids when they went to their first dental visit? I was reading online that it is recommended that the visit happen by 1 year of age. Also, do you...


Need Good Female GYNO and Family Denist in Frisco

K.N. asks from Dallas

My last dr was in Plano and then moved even further away from me. I would love to find a female gyno in Frisco for my annual exams. I also need a dentist for the wh...


My Twin Toddler Girls Have Long Frenum's That Attach Between the Two Front Teeth

B.C. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have experience with a child having a long Frenum (thin piece of tissue/muscle that attaches the top lip to the gumline). Both of my twin girls have this...


Big Gap Between Permanant Front Teeth

S.K. asks from Denver

My son who is turning 7 soon has lost 6 teeth 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. My question is right now he has this huge gap between his top two teeth but his two side ...


Braces...How Young & Know of Any Good Dr.'s in the Beverly Hills Area?

K.K. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter we've been told needs braces. She's going to be 8 in September and I've heard they now do braces in two stages. My daughter wants braces now as she hate...


New Mom Seeking First Pediatrician

C.H. asks from Los Angeles

I live at Palm and Glenoaks in Burbank. I would really like to have a Pediatrician that is good, a female, and within walking distance of my residence. I can dream, c...