Hobbies: Toddler, Gerber

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46 answers

Gerber Baby Food Plastic Containers

With all the news coverage about concerns over plastics I've started checking the recycling codes on all the stuff our son uses. I noticed over the weekend that Gerber Baby food comes in plastic with a recycle code of 7 - which has been reported to contain BPA. I've emailed the company and for the time being have switched to brands (Earth's Best) that come in glass containers - but really miss the variety that Gerber offered. Any advice on making baby food at home or resources that explain how to make baby food? I'm pretty short on time...


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14 answers

Meals for a 17 Month Old

Moms I need some new ideas on what to feed my 17 month old son. He eats a lot earlier than my husband and I do so he usally doesnt eat what we are eating. I have gotten into a rut of making him the same things and to be honest they are all things that are easy and unhealthy. So any ideas on healthy, quick, and flavorful (want to get his pallet ready for what we normally eat) meals for our little one would be greatly appreciated.



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13 Month Old Is Only 19 Pounds

today we went to Braydens dr appt.. a well check.. well, when she put him on the scale and it said "18" pounds, she wasnt suprised, but inside i was like, What the? then when she came back with a different scale, i figured she WAS alarmed, but hadnt shown it. so on the digital scale he was 19 pounds. my son has been breastfed since birth, and he still nurses occasionally during the day, usually when he wants to go to sleep. i would say im more of a human pacifier than a food source. lol. however he does eat other things...gerber...