Potty Training: Maalox

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26 answers

The Age Old Potty Training Question with a Twist

Hi All, My daughter just turned 2. For the past 6 months she has gotten extreme diaper rashes that nothing helps. The doctors want her out of diapers of any kind. At first switching to Pull-ups helped some but no longer, if anything I think it is worse. Also, I have tried every diaper rash creme and ointment on the market and available by perscription. Even cornstarch no longer helps. My daughter is interested in looking at the potty, but not in using it. She has a small one and also the large one. Does anyone have any suggestions, she...


Diaper Rash Trouble

After 8 man years (mom years?) of dealing with diaper rash you'd think this...

Complicating Factors

See all 39 articles
26 answers

The Age Old Potty Training Question with a Twist

Hi All, My daughter just turned 2. For the past 6 months she has gotten extreme diaper rashes that nothing helps. The doctors want her out of diapers of any kind. At first switching to Pull-ups helped some but no longer, if anything I think it is worse. Also, I have tried every diaper rash creme and ointment on the market and available by perscription. Even cornstarch no longer helps. My daughter is interested in looking at the potty, but not in using it. She has a small one and also the large one. Does anyone have any suggestions, she...

How to Do It

See all 28 articles
26 answers

The Age Old Potty Training Question with a Twist

Hi All, My daughter just turned 2. For the past 6 months she has gotten extreme diaper rashes that nothing helps. The doctors want her out of diapers of any kind. At first switching to Pull-ups helped some but no longer, if anything I think it is worse. Also, I have tried every diaper rash creme and ointment on the market and available by perscription. Even cornstarch no longer helps. My daughter is interested in looking at the potty, but not in using it. She has a small one and also the large one. Does anyone have any suggestions, she...


Erosive Diaper Rash

Has anyone had a kid with erosive diaper rash? I know it's become fairly...


How to Potty Train

I have a three year old down syndrome baby girl (Daisy), and I was wondreing...

How to Start

See all 44 articles
26 answers

The Age Old Potty Training Question with a Twist

Hi All, My daughter just turned 2. For the past 6 months she has gotten extreme diaper rashes that nothing helps. The doctors want her out of diapers of any kind. At first switching to Pull-ups helped some but no longer, if anything I think it is worse. Also, I have tried every diaper rash creme and ointment on the market and available by perscription. Even cornstarch no longer helps. My daughter is interested in looking at the potty, but not in using it. She has a small one and also the large one. Does anyone have any suggestions, she...

When to Start

See all 22 articles
90 answers

Burning Her Bottom!!!

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches on her little bottom she has horrible blisters. She has the worst case of diaper rash and I can't figure out what is causing these nasty diapers. She has been really, really cranky and not sleeping that well either (not that she ever slept that great to begin with). I just switched her to milk but have to wonder if that is the problem because I love dairy products and that didn...


When to Potty Train?

I have twin girls, almost 18 months old. One of my daughters is constantly...