Preventative Care: Gerber

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12 answers

Coughing, Congestion & Throwing Up... Oh My! Please Help!

Hi Mommies, I really need some help - and I apologize in advance that this will probably be pretty lengthy. My son (Christopher) just turned 1 last week. For about the past month though, he has had a cough and some congestion (not constant congestion, but you can definitely hear it when he starts coughing a lot and at night sometimes when he’s breathing). First he had the cough for about a week and I made him an appointment at his Pediatrician's office. We saw the Nurse Practitioner and she did a full exam - and said that his left ear...


39 answers

One Year Shots the Same Day as International Travel?

I'm torn on weather or not to get my daughter's one year shots before or after our one month trip to Portugal. Her birthday is on a sunday and we leave Monday. My doctor can see her before we go to the airport but I'm concerned about how she will handle flying that many hours after all those shots and if and when she has a reaction to them while we are over there. She is an "intense" little baby to say the least and I don't want to make the trip any harder on her than it's already going to be...with jet-lag, strange place, food etc... The...


Visits & Tests

See all 217 articles
18 answers

Doctor Said I Was Feeding Baby Too Much Formula?

Today my daughter had a check up at the doctors. She will be 11 months old next week. I try to feed her real food but it seems like she only likes cheerios and those gerber snacks by the baby food isle. The doctor asked how many bottles I give my baby a day on formula and when I told him 7-8, he seemed very shocked and said that it wasnt good for her. That she should only be having 4 bottles of formula a day. That also she should not be falling asleep with a bottle. At dinner time I feed her what we are eating and she will eat a...