Second Grade: Infant, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 38 articles

What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


Most Useful New Infant Item You had...please share...especially Preemie Parents

N.B. asks from Minneapolis

So my SIL gave birth VERY early last 30.5 weeks gestation. My niece weighed in at 2 lbs, 1 oz. She has done vent the whole time, no emergenc...


3Rd Baby

L.S. asks from Charlotte

This will be my 3rd baby =) My youngest is almost 5 and my how so much has changed already. My husband and I would really like to go "green" as much as possible. Fr...


How to Respond to Other Children's Reactions to My Baby with Special Needs

J.E. asks from Grand Junction

I was at a playground today with my big girl who is 4 years old and baby girl who is 10 months. Some young boys noticed my littlest munchkin and said something like "...


What to Buy

M.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

Hi. I'm expecting my second baby in a few months. I still have all the basics from my first, but I want to get a few things I wish I had gotten the first time, as ...


My 2 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle Anymore

G.L. asks from Dallas

I had a little girl on the 30th of May and have been breastfeeding her since then. I am a school teacher so have had the summer off and have been breastfeeding on dem...


16 Month Old Still on Bottle

T.R. asks from Indianapolis

I know, many of you may say I am a bad mom, but I put oatmeal and baby food in my son's milk. He is 16 months old and still HAS to have 7oz Milk, 1 jar 2nd Baby food ...


11 Month Old Almost Underweight

L.L. asks from Cleveland

I have an 11 month old boy that only drinks 10-15 ounces a day plus food. We've tried mixing breastmilk and formula, different formula, different bottles and sippy cu...


Help! New Mom to Be Looking for Advice.

M.B. asks from Toledo

I'm looking for any advice and recommendations from all of you moms out there. This is our first child and I'm not sure which items I should buy or avoid. I'd particu...


In Need of Suggestions

J.P. asks from Lynchburg

My 4 month old son has a terrible time using the bathroom. I have given him Karo syrup in bottles, tried watered down juices, and nothing seems to work. Just wonderin...