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49 answers

First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower. She wants me to make a list of people to invite and she wants me to fill out a registry. If I mention to her stuff I buy, IE I already bought a stroller,car seat duo thing..she gets upset and asks why am I buying things because I'm having a shower.Here's the deal- I'm one of those people that feel uncomfortable accepting high priced gifts, especially from people I'm not even...

For Both

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25 answers

Ideas for a 2 Year Old Boy Birthday

My son is turning 2 this month and I am having a hard time coming up with ideas for gifts for him. He has an older sister and lots of cousins so toys are always getting passed on to him. He already has bikes and lots of trucks. I have family members who are already asking for ideas. Any suggestions would help.


Gift for 10 Yo Girl?

I'm struggling to come up with a quality birthday gift for my 10 yo niece. I...