Travel: Toddler, Munchkin

By Car

See all 43 articles
9 answers

Bottle Warmer for the Car

Has anyone used one of these that they like? My son is 4 mos. old now, and we are getting out more and I'd like to have a portable bottle warmer for the car. However, all the ones I've seen have gotten mostly poor online reviews. The biggest complaint is that they take too long to heat up or don't heat up at all...I am hoping to find one that isn't a waste of money.


Gas Station Advice

I was wondering what moms (and dads) do when they go to the gas station with...

Infant Travel Advice

See all 82 articles
16 answers

Car Trip and 22 Mo Old

My husband and I are driving to FL (live in WI) in April. Our son will be 22 months at the time. Any car trip experienced moms have any tips for making the drive more comfortable/entertaining/bearable for our son? When we planned it, I figured driving would be fine, but now as it comes closer, I am spooking myself out and getting nervous!! Flying is not a possibility (driving is cheaper - we figured it out with plane tickets and car rental...). So, how do I help keep my toddler at ease while driving that far??

Traveling by Car

See all 74 articles
9 answers

Bottle Warmer for the Car

Has anyone used one of these that they like? My son is 4 mos. old now, and we are getting out more and I'd like to have a portable bottle warmer for the car. However, all the ones I've seen have gotten mostly poor online reviews. The biggest complaint is that they take too long to heat up or don't heat up at all...I am hoping to find one that isn't a waste of money.

Traveling by Plane

See all 46 articles
48 answers

2 Year Old on Air Plane

We are going back to Disney World in March. This will be the first time for my daughter Claire. She is only 2 in October(she was in my tummy last time). I plan on buying her her own seat and bringing the car seat with. Any ideas to keep her calm. I have heard of people using benedyrl. (this may be a dumb question but...where do you put a poopy diaper on the plane?) I don't want to stink out my fellow travelers. We are flying Midwest and the plane is really small. Not much room to change a baby at all.


Flying Tips Needed!!!

My parents and my husband and our 1 year old son are flying to Hawaii in two...