Traveling by Car: Toddler, The First Years

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19 answers

Long Car Ride

Does anyone have any ideas and tips on how to keep my 2 year old entertained for an 8 hour car ride. I plan to do a few stops because I also have an 8 month old that I have to feed, but she gets very antsy in the car even for short trips. Thanks for the info!

Car Rides & Road Trips

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36 answers

19 Month Old Only Using a Few Words and Babbling at Times

Hello Moms- My 19 month old son speaks about 8 to 10 words at this point and the rest is babbling. Even the words he does say are a little unclear. The doctor was concerned at our visit today and said if there wasn't improvement by his two year appointment that we would go the speech therapy route. He tends to resort to pointing and the few signs he knows (milk, please, more, finished, etc). I point out objects and repeat several times. I talk about the things we see and do during our day. He understands and hears so I don't think it...

Car Seats

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7 answers

Car Seat ?

My son is 11 months and weighs about 22 pounds, woould it be okay to turn him around.I know you are supposed to wait until they are one and at least twenty pounds but he is really hating his car seat now and he looks a little silly being that big facing rear.He is crawling and has taken a few steps so he seems strong enough.Any thought would be appreciated.thanks

New Car

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17 answers

Is First Years or Evenflo Breast Pumps Any Good?

When my son and daughter were born premature, the WIC offices where I lived provided a motorized Medella pump supplied from a medical supply store. Obviously this was very good. I know that Medellas are sold in Target but I also seen other brands. Is there an "off" brand ie, Evenflo, First Years, etc. that is comparable but without the price??