Working while Pregnant: Infant, Melissa & Doug

8 articles

9 Months Pregnant with Preschooler to Occupy

K.C. asks from Medford

I am almost 36 weeks pregnant and am having some signs of early labor. My doctor has stopped short of putting me on bed rest, but advised me to rest as much as possib...


Would This Be Weird

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

I am pregnant with a girl whom I was planning on naming Madelynn but now I kind of like the name like the name Nora, but the thing is my son's name is Nicholas. Nick ...


Keeping a 2 Year Old Busy

J.B. asks from Kansas City

OK, the heck do I keep an active boy who will be 2 in a week busy all day? I am 9 mos pregnant (due any day) and it being so hot, going outside is not rea...


Toy Ideas for a Two Year Old

R.C. asks from Cincinnati

My son will be having his second birthday very soon and I am looking for some gift ideas for him. I'd like to replace some of his old toys with some great toddler to...


Toys for 18 Month Old

B.B. asks from Davenport

Does anyone know of attention holding toys for 18 month olds? My daughter does not seem to be interested in ANY of her toys (and she is not lacking too much). She lik...


How Do You Teach Your Child to Snap Their Pants?

A.E. asks from Des Moines

I have been trying to teach my 4yr old almost 4.5 to snap her pants for some time now, it always turns into a fight. Lately everything has. I am 32 weeks preg with 2n...


Traveling with 23 Month Old

D.D. asks from Anchorage

I am just looking for suggestions on traveling with my daughter on a 10 hr or more airplane trip. She will be sitting in our laps so I am a bit worried about keeping ...


Sahm Seeking Suggestions for at Home Activities to Do with My Toddler

T.C. asks from Austin

I feel so stupid asking this but... my daughter and I are both bored with all her toys and the same old activities we do together at home. We spend a lot of time ou...