How Do You like Your Nissan Quest?

Updated on August 20, 2008
F.M. asks from Glen Ellyn, IL
10 answers

Our lease on a Honda Odyssey is up Oct 4 (SO many problems with the Touring model. Surprise, right?) We are looking at the Town and Country (2009), and the Nissan Quest (2008/2009). I'd love to prefer the Quest since it runs much cheaper. Any reviews on the Quest? Four years ago we went with the Odyssey because if felt lots more solid than the Quest. I'd love to hear some opinions!

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answers from Chicago on

I drove the Town and country and the quest when I was looking for a van and I ended up with a Kia Sedona. handles like a car with a lot of pickup and a lot more amenities for the price. I have had it for almost 2 years now and have not had any major issues and everything that has been an issue has been covered under warranty...squeky shocks that are now fixed and replaced the automatic door mechanisim because it made a loud sound when closing. Otherwise absolutely no issues. Gas mileage is good too...average 17 mpg around town and as high as 27 mpg on the highway. The quest would have been my second choice.

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answers from Chicago on

We purchased the Quest back in January and so far LOVE it! We traded in our Pathfinder and thought that I would regret it but not at all. Personally I liked the look and the price better than the Honda although I do believe that Honda's are built better and do last longer having owned a few in the past. That being said, we are very happy with our new Quest and hopefully will be a few years down the road as well! Good Luck with your decision.

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answers from Chicago on

You mentioned the Town and Country. I've had my 08 Touring for about 3 months and love it.



answers from Chicago on

Hi Francince! I have no advice for you. But nice to see you online!! Love, Isabelle



answers from Chicago on

I am surprised you have had problems with the Odyssey. This is the first time I have heard anything bad about them. We own one (2003) and several of my friends do and have never had any problems except the doors getting stuck a time or two.

I drove a Quest when on travel for work and hated it. The blind spots were horrible and I just didn't feel safe. YMMV.

Good luck with choosing your new vehicle. That is exciting! Do you know about the site You can compare vehicles and features side by side.




answers from Chicago on

We purchased the Quest last May (2007), and it has been a great car for the first year we've owned it. We also went with the Quest because of the cost vs. the others available. So far, I'd highly recommend it. It had all of the features we wanted and we've had no issues with it thus far.



answers from Chicago on

I love my Quest, but I actually found that it was more expensive when comparing the same options versus the new Town and Country. The Quest definitely has a better resale value which I guess doesn't matter if you're going to lease. I chose the Quest because Chrysler has a very bad track record for first model year vehicles, but a couple of my friends have the new Town and Country and they haven't had any problems with them.



answers from Chicago on

Hi F.,
We've had our Quest for almost a year and it runs well. I have had both Nissan's and Honda's and I think both are great cars.



answers from Atlanta on

I had a 1996 Nissan Quest that is still running great after 12 years. Just handed it down to my 16 yr. old. My husband and I trust the vehicle and feel our son will be safe in it as he begins his driving experience.



answers from Chicago on

Sit in the front seat chairs a while. They arch up and back and are very uncomfortable on long drives. The head rest seems a mile away. Also, Nissan doesn't have the same leasing plan as Honda. As I understand it, Honda allows you to build up equity in your lease. No equity at Nissan. Ironically, we just left Nissan and moved over to a Honda lease. We don't have a touring model so no headaches yet. Good luck!

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