New to Tx ( Sachse) Need Hits Plz Plz

Updated on August 11, 2007
Y.C. asks from Sachse, TX
4 answers

hey ladies:
im new here and would need all the hits salon?groceries?places to take the kids and ect..... thanks in advance

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answers from Dallas on

Hi Y.. I live in Garland, pretty close to Sachse, in fact I can walk to get Sachse.

Mi kids attend Sachse High School and my toddler boy attends Mothers Day Out at Sachse Assembly of God.

My favorite place for grocery shopping is Kroger, of course if you need different things like clothes, shoes, hair salon etc. I recommend you Super Walmart in Wyllie (also in 78).

Public library is in Sachse Road and they have a lot of activities for little kids, ladies, etc.

MOPS (mothers of prescholler) meet at the Methodist Church, is Sachse Road as well, right accross the street of the Police Department.

Welcome to the area, Sachse is a great place to live.

Let me know if you need any other information, from churches to dentist, etc.



answers from Dallas on

Hi! I'm in sachse, too` welcome to the area! Salon for you- "studio nouveau" in rowlett (off of rowlett rd. and hwy 66), salon for the kiddos- "cool cuts for kids" in the target shopping center (off of N. Garland rd. and hwy 190) grocery shopping- walmart in wylie (kind of out in the middle of nowhere off of hwy 78) great kids clothes resale shop- "kid to kid" (i think that is the name) in kroger shopping center (off of 78) good mexican food- "tacos y salsas" in sachse off of hwy 78 I am full of places- email me if you want any more!! ;-) -K.



answers from Dallas on

Hi Y. and welcome to Texas! I know I'm biased but I think my hairdresser is the best in the world! lol. Her name is Yadin and she works at New Elegance in Rowlett. Her number is ###-###-####. She is bilingual if that helps and she is fabulous at what she does! Gloria's in Rockwall is a great place to socialize as well as take the family to dinner. It is on the Harbor and that is a great place for the kids to play in the water. There are also lots of activities at the Wet Zone in Rowlett and Harry Myers park in Rockwall for the children. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi Y.,

You need to get connected with other SAHM in your area. I am the President of my MOMS CLUB chapter in SE Allen or I would invite you to join us. Check out the and click on Texas to see if Sachse has a group. Email me if you don't get anywhere with that information.

It is tough sometimes to get to know folks areound here, but once you start walking around your neighborhood (when it gets cooler), you will meet all kinds of moms. Does your neighborhood have an HOA? This is another way.

Check out for things to do around the area for you an dyour kids!

Good Luck!

G. B.

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